Straighter is greater. With your style, I think you should be fine starting out. It's usually the folks with a lot of hand that really get burned on their first time in the PBA Experience stuff. One nice thing about the sport stuff as a down-and-in type is that since you're playing the dry on the back part of the lane instead of the wall, angle and carry at the pocket isn't normally a problem.
Just don't be afraid of making big moves when things aren't going well. Adjustments can tend to be a bit more "ballsy" than just moving in as the lanes break down.
The general advice you find in videos is good for getting an idea of what's going to happen, but it shouldn't always be adhered to. The ideal area in which to play can vary from house to house and even from pair to pair. Your own experience will be key - for example, in my first PBA Experience summer league, I averaged maybe 150 through the first half, but then everything "clicked" and I averaged 185 the rest of the way.
Good luck!