From what i've found on these patterns. Play as far outside as possible. The sport and challange series all have a bump of oil around the arrows and further that can push futher down and cause some very interesting carrydown. On all patterns under 42' I like to play down 5 or futher out and not cover more than 5 or so boards in the front part of the lane. Not only do you usually have the line all to yourself, but you can use the carrydown as hold. When you do move though, it will have to be a rather large jump inside. I can only imagine that the line will be even better outside on a shorter shot. Remember, what worked for me might not work for you. Just make your spares and learn
Today:......was it you?........or was it the Laneman?
Volunteer Brunswick Staffer
Yea, I'm a crown bearer. Why aren't you???
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR