With $10 each week/each bowler you are not going to see a lot of drinking. No matter what the price of beer/wine. No one is going to drink during bowling. Because there is too much prize fund at stake. You can make a handicap league heavy on prize fund, but you have to understand that it will become very competative and there will be a majority of teams that are pure donators. Which will then lead them to not reup for next year. So this league might fly the first year.
I also think 5 man is a bit much. Most higher average bowlers do not want to bowl 5 man because it takes so long. If you make it trios you will have more teams.
Your handicap is way too low if you want a competative handicap league. As you have it, you might as well be scratch and not bother with any handicap.
What you could do is make it a match club type set up. So that each week teams are established by average. In a trios situation (30 people/10 teams), you would take 1, 30 and 15. Team 2 would be 2, 29 and 16, team 3 3,28 and 14. Year end payout would be by single achievement points.