I have all of my equipment drilled by Buddies.
Personally, this is how I go about the process. First things first I highly recommend the thumb mold slugs, so send them your favorite ball and have them take the measurements and copy the slug out of that ball.
Second, get on a video camera on a fresh pattern of some kind and record yourself going through the motions. Playing the lanes from the inside, outside, and a variety of different angles and ball speeds. Put the video on YouTube and email Chris from Buddies with a link to it.
Make sure you let him know what your common misses are, because we all have mistakes that we tend to regularly make.
Then let him know what preferences you are looking for in terms of ball reaction. If you provide all of the above information Chris can usually help you with all of your ball selection and layout choices.
Then order what you guys have decided would be best for your game.
Videos at:
http://youtube.com/user/Gsnap21"The framers of our Constitution believed that if the people were to be sovereign and belong to different religions at the same time then our official religion would have to be no religion at all. It was a bold experiment then as it is now. It wasn''t meant to make us comfortable, it was meant to make us free."
Edited on 1/24/2010 9:26 AM