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Author Topic: KMT BALL JIG  (Read 10252 times)


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« on: September 05, 2014, 09:00:41 AM »
This is the kind of letter I enjoy getting from customers:

I'm really happy with the jig, works like a charm, was real easy for me (likely easier since I used to drill at a pro shop years ago), and I've changed out over 20 thumb slugs with it already.

Just wanted to let you know that I successfully changed out my #5 pitch plate bushing with no problem, luckily I have an arbor press that really made the process easier. Other than that, I have drilled out over 50 balls, including thumb slug changeouts and drill outs for plugging without a hitch. I'm really happy with the product! I started using the Pro Edge Custom Thumb Molding system and I've never had equipment that fit so good ball to ball!



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« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2014, 08:01:47 PM »
 Drilling a bowling ball is pure physics, no matter what you are drilling it with.

  If you have a device to hold the ball in a stable position [KMT jig does], and a guide to help you position the ball correctly [does this also], and a way to control the drilling angle [KMT is 3 for 3 so far], you can drill a bowling ball with reproducible results.

 Now, you throw in some good drill bits [which, by every account I've seen, this comes with really good ones designed specifically for this system], and you have all you need to do the job.  The knowledge and ability to get good results are up to the person using it.

 Having had drilling experience in the past, I would buy one of these in a minute if I had the expendable funds.
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« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2014, 05:21:33 AM »
If anyone is interested, here's a website with a great review of this product.

It goes step by step with pics, from unboxing the KMT to drilling a ball

If I had the money, I'd get one. Just to say I drilled my own ball with it.

kmtproshop needs to run a contest and give away one of these things,(Maybe I'd get lucky)

Not a bad thought!!  Any ideas??  Maybe a raffle?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 05:23:24 AM by kmtproshop »


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« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2014, 09:46:16 AM »
If anyone is interested, here's a website with a great review of this product.

It goes step by step with pics, from unboxing the KMT to drilling a ball

If I had the money, I'd get one. Just to say I drilled my own ball with it.

kmtproshop needs to run a contest and give away one of these things,(Maybe I'd get lucky)

Not a bad thought!!  Any ideas??  Maybe a raffle?

Well the current trend seems to be the Facebook Giveaway drawing (Go to the Companies FB page, Like/share/comment on the contest post for a entry then random draw at end of entry period.

or there's the go register on the company website drawing method.
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