All polishes havemicro abrasives in them. The "non-abrasive" polishes just have a lot less in them, so much so that they seem to do less to the surface. Secret Sauce seems to have much more abrasive in it than most abrasive polishes like Xtra Shine and Brunswick's Factory Finish.
Powerhouse's Factory Finish is more like Valentino's Snake Oil in that they has so relatively little abrasive that they are considered "non-abrasive".So when using them, to get more length yo need to put less surface on the ball and then re-polish them.
The thing to remember is that polish is not a coating, like paint. It's a change to the surface of the ball. It is also why you are never truly "removing" polish and why you need an abrasive to change the surface of the ball. Chemicals that truly "remove" polish from the ball are actually reacting with the resin to change the cover stock physically.They are not removing a coating. It is also why bowling with a polished ball removes the polishes by the friction between the ball's surface and the lane.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."