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Author Topic: knee pain  (Read 2214 times)


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knee pain
« on: January 31, 2004, 03:20:32 AM »
Lately ived been feeling some pain on my knee on my sliding feet. I dont know whats been causing it but it does hurt during my slide when im bowling. Had any of u guys had this problem and what could i do to fix it? Also what knee excercises do u do to strenghten ur knee. thanks



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Re: knee pain
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2004, 09:47:05 PM »
btx -- Be sure you haven't been twisting your body in your slide.  The knee does very well with forward bending, but not with twisting.  --  JohnP


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2004, 05:04:56 AM »
Johnp- yes i feel like im twisting my body a bit during my slide. I changed style from staying squared up at the foul line to opening up my shoulders (more power and more revs). I think i twist a bit from the height of my backswing to my follow through and sometimes get off balanced at the foul line. Not sure what im doin wrong on my approach since i didnt have this problem before. Any advice?


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2004, 08:01:37 AM »
Your shoes or pads may be wearing out.

I experienced knee pain until I upgraded to the SST6s. I can customize my slide and I haven't experienced any knee pain since.
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Re: knee pain
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2004, 08:25:38 AM »
I used to get severe knee pain all the time from bowling. At the time it had me very worried because I was relatively young and in pretty good shape. I wondered if all the sports (espescially hockey) had caught up with me.

I went to a doctor to get checked out. He couldn't figure out what it was so he sent me to a sports medicine specialist who was well known for treating knee injuries. He did an MRI on me and some simple tests in his office where I went through the bowling motion for him and did some other stretches. This is where he figured out the problem.

Apparently with the repetition of sliding/bending of the knee at the end of the approach I had over-developed the outer quad muscle. Over-developed in comparison to the inner quad. This effectively was pulling my kneecap over towards the outside which was causing me all the pain, and the need to take a lot of advil. Fortunately it was not something that needed surgery. I was enlisted in a bi-weekly physical theropy session with special excersizes designed to offset the overdeveloped muscle. I did the theropy for about 2 months and was already feeling much better.

Having learned my lesson from this situation I started to do more excersize that would help keep my legs balanced in strength so this wouldn't happen again. My favorites are the elipticle trainer, biking, and jogging. I don't do too many free weights anymore, but the leg weight program I had going for a while worked well to combat knee problems. (leg extensions, squats, leg curls, toe raises, and stretching).


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2004, 10:04:16 AM »
Something to try might be some Dr. Scholl's sport heal/arch inserts.  They helped me with knee pain years ago.  Seems some shoes have very little arch support.  Another thing may be your shoes.  If you are dragging your heal on flat bottom bowling shoes that will cause a problem.  You may notice a squeaking sound when you slide this is a hint of that.  Many people use interchangeable soles heals and/or our products to stop slide problems.  Having the proper slide surface is a must.  If pain persist contact your doctor.


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2004, 11:14:49 AM »
depending on your age, it could be anything, as has been said before.  i'm in mid 40's and have always been athletic.  my knee was hurting so bad it was giving out on my, and at times i would fall down on the approach . . . very embarrassing, and doesn't give you alot of confidence at release, i'll tell you that!!!

anyway, i had some arthritis in my knee that required arthroscopic surgery to correct.  removed some chips of cartilage and bone, and poked some holes in a bone to stimulate blood flow/scar tissue to replace the worn out cartilage.  healing was quick and feels pretty good now.

definitely go to an orthopaedic doctor to have him/her look at your knee.  damage may keep getting worse.
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Re: knee pain
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2004, 12:00:22 PM »
A bottle of Advill, a knee brace and bottle of scotch will help relieve the pain in your knee. Seriously it's the way you finish your slide. I have the same problem, once in a while I'll change the way I throw the ball to get more revs and enter at a different angle. When I do this, I change my approach and the way I finish my slide. Because of this I end up twisting my body a bit more and putting more pressure on the pivot point that is the knee. Could also be a back problem I know when my back is out of alignment my knee hurts more than usual when I slide. A trip to my chiropractor usually helps things out.
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Re: knee pain
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2004, 03:04:04 PM »
btx -- If you determine that twisting is causing the pain, you have a choice - continue your new style and hurt or go back to basics and be pain free (eventually).  Basics meaning shoulders square to your target line and toe of your sliding foot pointing consistently at your target.  --  JohnP


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2004, 04:57:07 PM »
btx your backswing could be too high throwing you off balace and causeing you knee problems. letting the ball swing gives you nice easy control and gives you better accuracy
i could make a water melon hook for a strike
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Re: knee pain
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2004, 05:38:43 PM »
Lately ive been getting pain in my sliding leg right on the knee, but then again i also do not slide so i think that might be the problem, so im taking time out to learn to slide, hopefully that will help the pain if not im going to get a doctor to check it out.

Im just trying to be nice around here.


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Re: knee pain
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2004, 06:03:55 PM »
NOte im only 24 and had been bowling for 2years only. This is the first pain ive felt since i started throwing hook ball. I use to find my sliding foot at 11:00 position at the foul line before when i was playing up the board. But since i moved more inside i find my sliding foot at 1:00 position as i find better balance this way. My style is more of a sucky chris barnes if that ever helps.