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Author Topic: Kudos to a house league  (Read 686 times)


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Kudos to a house league
« on: January 06, 2006, 11:25:03 AM »
I know many time many subjuects are brought up here about having house shots replaced by tougher conditions. Many bowlers are not as ardent a fan as most on here and they fail to understand the beauty of shotmaking. I recently visited a old doubles partner who owns a house and he has now two leagues that at least have stepped into the door a bit. The leagues have voted to run a different pattern for each third of the season(37ft,43ft and 40ft modified volumes) with the last third being a modified tougher shot. (Not quite a sport but still tougher than the 8:1 or 10:1's most everyone see) He has already talked to two other leagues and they have agreed to set this into motion for next year. I applaud this as none of the leagues are a classic or scratch league. Steps like this i believe could help bring around the average bowler to learning the game a bit more.



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Re: Kudos to a house league
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 01:42:12 AM »
Everyone seems to think theres THS and then a sport pattern, why is the middle ground never covered? Hybrid pattern to at least make the game creditable but still cater to the need to score decent. Its worked in my house as of now, the above idea is even better.

You're right, alot of bowlers only hear of THS and Sport conditions.  They fall to realized that there are almost infinite number of ways to condition the lanes.

I bowled on a rotating shot fun league a few years ago, mainly to see different patterns.  One of my favorites was a christmas tree pattern, sure it was crowned, with lighter oil outside and heavier in the middle.  The main difference being there wasn't a huge wall of oil seperating the oil from the dry.  Finally, at the end of the pattern, where the "christmas tree" came to a point there was 2 feet of oil, flat across the lane.  Something like this:


I thought it was pretty cool..



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Edited on 1/7/2006 2:30 AM


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Re: Kudos to a house league
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 10:35:16 AM »

That shot sounds interesting!
Member of The Revolution since 2005


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Re: Kudos to a house league
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2006, 10:16:23 PM »

That shot sounds interesting!
Member of The Revolution since 2005

It was, just when you're ball would start to pick up a roll, it would slide again.  You just had to be pretty close to the same spot at the end of the pattern on every shot.  Shot 611 that night, not bad for moving every game and never seeing the pattern before.


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