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Author Topic: Lack of Confidence is killing my game  (Read 461 times)


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Lack of Confidence is killing my game
« on: April 27, 2005, 01:55:43 AM »
In the last 6 weeks or so, I have really struggled with my bowling. Before the last six weeks, I had been bowling the best I have in my career. My confidence was through the roof, and I kept getting better and better. Then suddenly, the problems started. I began missing easy spares and seemed to have trouble carrying all ten when I'm in the pocket. The struggles have continued and gotten worse and worse. I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure what to do. It has gotten to the point where I'm happy league has ended, and am embracing some time away from the sport I previously couldn't get enough of. I believe a large part of my problem is my lack of confidence. I'm not sure what I should do to get myself out of this rut. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions...thanks!
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Re: Lack of Confidence is killing my game
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 12:17:00 AM »
Coaching will pay you large dividends- even if you only go for a short time. Reading suggestions online and through books and magazines is one thing- having another human really look at your game and hone in on some areas you may not have thought about is something that is invaluable.

Before I sought out a coach in January, I was bowling very well in one house and struggling in the other- and I noticed my timing was poor. After a couple of sessions my timing improved amazingly and I developed a better understanding for what I needed to do in terms of approach, ball speed, hand release, technique, and timing in both of my leagues as well as what to look for in tournament action. I'm getting ready for my 7th coaching session in a couple of weeks and my confidence has been as high as I could ever imagine in my 30 years of bowling.
