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Author Topic: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)  (Read 2585 times)


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Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« on: September 11, 2008, 06:16:39 AM »
I was talking to one of the owners of the pro shop that I go to the other day. We were looking at all the equipment on the shelves and he started showing me some of his recent drillings for himself.

I pointed to a Twisted Fury Solid and asked him if he ever used it. I know he can't at the lanes he is located in because they are medium light at best. He said he drilled it for a tourney and hasn't used it since, he said he used it for about 8 frames before he had to put it away. His plans were to shine the crap out of it in hopes he could use it early in some of his outside leagues.

The strongest ball I own (not NIB) is the Break but it is at 2000 with a heavy dose of Beans Secret Sauce. I have some hand in the ball, but I am far from a cranker by any means. My speed varies between 15.5 and 18 depending on where I bowl. I was supposed to be bowling in a house this year where they were flooded, and I used the Break playing around 25-15 and completely took my hand out of it by the last game and was still around 18 (never getting the ball outside of 12).

I live in Northern NJ and of the half dozen houses in the area, none of them warrant owning an oiler by any means. The states last year were at Howell and there was some oil early, but it quickly vanished by the time we bowled the team event (maybe 4 games total before they blew apart).

I know this has been discussed before but can someone tell me where in the US that they are seeing a need for a true oiler??? Noize, Twisted Solid, Ogre Patricle, Sting etc. There is so much great stuff on the market and I can't even dream of using it, unless I take it to 4000 polished with a pin in the track. I know that people want a hook in the box, and I can see that for the guy who is not all that serious and just wants to see his ball hook or someone bowling PBA patterns who needs something for Shark.

Any responses would be appreciated, I'd really like to hear that someone really has a need for a ball of this kind.

Edited on 9/11/2008 3:47 PM



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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 02:20:48 PM »
I have the twisted solid I use it but only because I love the ball.  I can get away with it at my house for about 2 games then it is time to break out the pearl.  Columbia MD


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 02:21:01 PM »
I'm with you Ken, so far between northern NJ and in central NJ where I bowl in leagues it is as dry as up home.

I can't believe I came back to bowling and have to use a XXXL to keep the ball on the lane.

Even at Carolier, which last year was medium oil at best now seems like a lighter oil shot with the condition holding for 10 frames.

Also, I can't believe Parkway reduced the amount of oil they used.  The shot was easy but now it is sh*t, and the gum that came back on my Mercury doesn't help either.
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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 02:32:19 PM »
Considering I'm speed dominant, I need stronger equipment than most anyway, but here in Louisville, KY, I actually see quite a bit of oil in some leagues.  I use my Dimension at 2000 abralon all the time, the weakest thing in my bag usually is a Spit Fire at 1000 abralon.


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 02:38:31 PM »
My Cell never seen a lane until I bowled on the PBA patterns this summer.  It's now back in the closet.

My league arsenal is being reduced to my T-Road Pearl, which is my least hooking reactive ball and my Ice Storm (hand scuffed with 1000 abralon).

I've had zero need for anything more aggressive then these, so far this fall.

Last year I was using my Rapid Fire, Paradigm and Black Widow with very good success.  There isn't enough oil on the lane for these balls this year.


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 02:41:48 PM »

You of all people complaining about no oil?
(Folks, you have to know how funny this is and you'd know once you saw him bowl. Very few bowlers adapt faster to changing conditions than he does.)
But even you have your tolerance limits.

See this reply I made about 15 minutes ago:

And Anthony, A_P_K, using a plastic ball to play outside of 10.
If he has to do that, then I'd be lofting the gutter caps with a rubber ball!

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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2008, 02:57:38 PM »

You of all people complaining about no oil?
(Folks, you have to know how funny this is and you'd know once you saw him bowl. Very few bowlers adapt faster to changing conditions than he does.)
But even you have your tolerance limits.

See this reply I made about 15 minutes ago:

And Anthony, A_P_K, using a plastic ball to play outside of 10.
If he has to do that, then I'd be lofting the gutter caps with a rubber ball!

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LOL!, thanks Jeff for the kind words

I am not saying that everything is bone dry in these parts, but I would love to know where in this great country that people can use the high end stuff and not have to totally modify it to make it useable.

And Anthony can get the ball through the heads quickly, if he needs plastic, there must be some serious burn there.


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2008, 03:45:21 PM »
It's the worst wet dry I've ever seen there and I thought Stelton's was bad.
With every action, there comes consequence

Used to be known as Pin_Krusher or Divine_Dragon

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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2008, 04:04:27 PM »
By the way, in case anyone wonders, I am on the slower end of medium, but Ken and Anthony are NOT slow by any means. Both can be around 18 mph when the need arises.
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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2008, 04:12:24 PM »
Around here, it's a desert.  Especially hard on the Seniors.  What is wrong with the people running these houses.  These Seniors are getting fed up. Can't blame them if they quit.  And these stupid houses are filled with Senior's during the DAY. And they abused them.


Bowling worst enemy,  House owners.

They are nothing but beer bottle counters.

And they wonder why so many leagues are not filled!!!

jls  Vote for good, not evil.

Edited on 9/11/2008 4:13 PM

Edited on 9/11/2008 4:22 PM


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2008, 04:19:31 PM »
In my area there are some houses that allow the high end stuff, but only if you don't hit the "bumper" which is not always as easy done as it is said. For the most part the shot isn't bad around here, but so many people have bought the high end hook mosters and are playing so far right they destroy the heads on the lanes. It just boggles my mind at the equipment some people use and how the shops they go to probably aren't doing their jobs.

For me personally, i use a meant for medium oil solid reactive at 4k abralon as my strongest ball in leagues in my area, most nights i just use my medium oil pearl ball and adjust as needed.


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 04:51:05 PM »
Here downriver of Detroit, there is only two houses that I can use my High End Pieces to start without being super deep. Taylor Lanes has pretty heavy oil, I can start around 16 at the arrows with my Cell, but I have ended up as deep as 27 at the arrows by the end of the night. Then at Wayne bowl I can do about the same.

In most the other houses if I want to throw my Cell I have to throw it super hard or start around 5th arrow. I can be more comfortable out there some nights so there are times I will throw the oiler deep inside. As long as I stay away from about 6 and out at the breakpoint I have no problem with the ball burning up.


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Re: Lack of oil and not the OPEC kind :)
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2008, 08:59:21 PM »
We definitely have some good oil up here atleast at 2 local lanes one I start with a vibe with a pin betweem fingers and high with 7/8 side weight and throw down and in by the end of a night of practice (20games or so) I can still only swing from 25 at feet out to 5 and back. I throw low speed medium to low revs and my gravity shift I can start on the same line and actually hold this line longer then the vibe even at oob now it has been bumped up at few 100 grit and polished up pretty heavily as it doesnt spin up strong enough for my liking so it has been demoted to a lighter oil ball(I mean my rhino pro gold(hasnt EVER been changed from oob no resurfacing or anything) will hook every bit as much and hit just as strong and this ball has seen probably 2000+ games was used probably 20 games or so a week from 93 until 2005 which is where I took it over from my father and it sees 40-80 games a week and is still one of the first 2 out of the bag even though it probably has so many gouges that its probably no longer legal. Pretty much this piece has been to **** and back on multiple occasions.