Are the Lane 1 balls worth the cost?......To me, yes they are definitely worth the extra cost. All62, back in July I asked the same question that you asked. Doug Sterner said the same thing I just said, yes they are worth the extra cost. Up to that point, no one could have ever convinced me that Lane 1 balls were worth the extra cost......Well, the Blueberrys were being discontinued and on sale at a bargin price. I bought one and had it drilled cheaper than I paid for an Inferno 2 weeks before that. Believe it or not, the Blueberry made my Inferno look like a wimp. It carried hits that the Inferno was getting 8-9 pins on the same type hits. Since then, I have purchased the Emerald and I am overly happy with it also. When this ball hits, it hits. I now have plans to get the Black Cherry Bomb. Many say it is the best one yet. I don't know if it is or not, but I will find out in the near future, when I get one.
All62, I am of opinion that all bowlers have to find which companies balls match up for their style. Storm and Columbia's balls have never worked well for me.......The Lane 1 balls seem to match up to my style as good as anything out there, so that is what I am going to stay with, regardless of cost. Suire they cost a little bit more, but not that much more, and remember, "you get what you pay for."
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".