Thanks T-GOD.
And after last Tuesday I have to stand by my words.
ANOTHER +200 average for the night (218).
I guess the thing I was missing in all of my other equipment was predictability. For me I can throw either of my Lane#1's and know exactly how the pattern is breaking down & where to move next. Secondly, I can make adjustments I could never have made before & see the results.
Example: The pattern was a little heavier than normal this last Tuesday, so I opened with a game 30 pins below avg (163). I stopped, rethought my game & did something I've never been able to consider as a option before my Carbide.....I moved DEEPER. Deeper shot with more side roll suddenly the strikes started raining down again. 227 & a 265 (personal high game). Mind you, this isn't the first particle I've owned before either. I've user the Game Pearl, Aggression & Addiction, but none have been as reliable as my lane1.
In parting here is my suggestion. Before you go out & pay top dollar for a Lane#1, try to pick up a used one for cheap. It doesn't matter if it has 3 or 4 plug jobs in it already, the point isn't to be pretty, it's to try out a Lane #1. After you get your well used ball, give it some time & use it. If it's not working out for you, try a different drill pattern & give it another go. If you still aren't convinced that Lane#1 really are worth the money to you, then consider yourself "lucky" and walk away more knowledgable. However if you're like me, you'll soon find yourself saving up $$ for your next lane#1.

-signed, A lane#1 convert Bjaardker J. Erickson