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Author Topic: Lane 1 balls  (Read 4095 times)


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Lane 1 balls
« on: October 03, 2003, 07:56:52 PM »
Have never used a Lane 1 ball but have considered it but
have held back because they are so much more expensive
than balls from other companies. Does anyone know why they
are so expensive? Are they worth the extra? I am considering
a Black Cherry Bomb. Is it worth $40 or $50 more than a
Brunswick Raging Inferno or an Ebonite VII Strong?



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Re: Lane 1 balls
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2003, 10:43:02 PM »
Are Buzzsaw's worth the extra money..? Here's what Bjaardker has to say.


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Re: Lane 1 balls
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2003, 02:04:05 AM »
1tool:  I have to take exception to your statement.  Us buzzheads are not on here promoting lane 1. Other than in the lane 1 forum, we only reply with buzzsaw recommendations when someone is asking a specific question.

I also haven't seen a post where a lane 1 addict has ran down another company.  I can, however, show you several, that attempt to run down Lane 1.

Bowling, once you reach a certain level is mostly mental.  If using Buzzsaws give us that mental edge then the extra money that a buzzsaw costs is justified.

Currently I am the only person in my league using the buzzsaws and hope it stays that way.  It sure makes finding my ball on the return a lot easier.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Lane 1 balls
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2003, 11:43:16 AM »
Thanks T-GOD.

And after last Tuesday I have to stand by my words.

ANOTHER +200 average for the night (218).

I guess the thing I was missing in all of my other equipment was predictability. For me I can throw either of my Lane#1's and know exactly how the pattern is breaking down & where to move next. Secondly, I can make adjustments I could never have made before & see the results.

Example: The pattern was a little heavier than normal this last Tuesday, so I opened with a game 30 pins below avg (163). I stopped, rethought my game & did something I've never been able to consider as a option before my Carbide.....I moved DEEPER. Deeper shot with more side roll suddenly the strikes started raining down again. 227 & a 265 (personal high game). Mind you, this isn't the first particle I've owned before either. I've user the Game Pearl, Aggression & Addiction, but none have been as reliable as my lane1.

In parting here is my suggestion. Before you go out & pay top dollar for a Lane#1, try to pick up a used one for cheap. It doesn't matter if it has 3 or 4 plug jobs in it already, the point isn't to be pretty, it's to try out a Lane #1. After you get your well used ball, give it some time & use it. If it's not working out for you, try a different drill pattern & give it another go. If you still aren't convinced that Lane#1 really are worth the money to you, then consider yourself "lucky" and walk away more knowledgable. However if you're like me, you'll soon find yourself saving up $$ for your next lane#1.

-signed, A lane#1 convert Bjaardker J. Erickson