soon2b AZ star
Posted 12/20/2003 11:54 PM
20-40 a ball.... try 80-100.
swamp monster suggested retail 149.00
black cherry bomb suggested retail is like 259.00
what is it with the righties always making jokes about the lefties?!?!
The leftside's the Best-side
Star, Mongo said "PAY" $20-$40 more and not retail for $20-$40 more. It doesn't matter what the retail price is. All that matters is what a person "PAYS" out of their pocket and that is exactly what Mongo said is "PAY." On your example of the Black Cherry Bomb, you can buy one today for $159 and not the retail price of $259. If you went out tomorrow and bought a new car and the suggested retail was $24,000, you don't and won't "PAY" $24,000. The same goes for the prices on bowling balls......Star, teenagers like you need to know what they are talking about before they go posting anything on this site.
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".