As many of you know, I work a swing shift and have to prebowl from time to time. It keeps me out of the competitive leagues, but I want to bowl every week, not be an extra member. Anyway, about a month I prebowled the afternoon of league because I was working nights. There ended up being a power outage that night during league. The scores were recorded/backed up, so they decided to pick up the games as they were recorded last night (8/17). Basically everyone would be bowling a game and half, starting from when the power went off.
Last week, I had to work nights again, so I prebowled again. However, they held a league meeting and decided to make up the game and a half (or so) after the normal 3 games that night. That meant that our position round got changed from 8/24 to 8/17.
No one told me. So I walked in to league last night just to talk with my team and watch them destroy the other team (I prebowled the league high series - Hamster would love that, lol). Of course, I didn't bring my stuff since I knew I couldn't bowl. The house is full, so I knew there wouldn't be any open lanes to practice. Great. Here it is position round, we're in first place, and I can't bowl. Fortunately we were up by 5 games (4 point league), so the results didn't matter much. Money is decided by total games won, so it wasn't completely irrelevant. If the championship was up for grabs, I would have really been upset. Even so, I ended up having to pay for my last week even though I couldn't bowl. There is also a big scratch tournament this weekend. I could have used the extra practice if nothing else.
Thanks for nothing guys.
Penn State ProudRon Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive