Hey StormStriker,
I happen to work for the company that you are referring to, I’m the manager at one of the Bowls (not yours!)
If you are serious about your bowling, which I’m sure you are, then our company is not for you!! All the people at the head office care about are profit profit profit; my centre makes over £1.8million a year (US$ 3.22million), yet here we have a poor girl who works in the Bar, and she hasn’t had a pay rise in 2 years! I, as the manager, can do nothing. We just ain’t given any money to spend on staff. The good staff that we have, we work them way too hard……. The other night (typical night!), we had 7 people working at the bowl, and we must had over 500 people at the centre, that’s 1:70 staff to customer ratio. How are we supposed to provide good service???
The ‘blondes’ you mentioned, well blame the general U.K. society, blame MTV!!! All these kids want to do is to become famous, Pop Idol wannabes, …… Watch too much Jerry Springer and Big Brother!! Work Ethic??? They don’t understand such term.
I guess if you pay peanuts you get monkeys!
Also, our company tries to cut cost everywhere, for example, we put 10-13 ml of oil on each lane, a few weeks ago I went to Airport Bowl for the Nationals, I noticed that they put down 22-26 ml on each lane. Luckily, I used to work as a Lane mechanic, so (if I’m not too tired, and if I can be bothered) I can dress the Lanes to my liking when I practice.
Anyway the only reason that I’m working here, is that I love bowling, also this is my first proper job, and in order to have a good career, I need experience.
But hey StormStriker, I hear you, we ain’t the best company for serious bowlers. All my company cares about is open play, ( we charge them £4.20 a game for crying out loud! That’s US$7.52!!! )
Just out of interest, let me know which Bowl you go to!!! And BTW, at our centre we offer cheaper rate to league bowlers, £2 for the first two games, then £1.50 after that. And if they are nice people, sometimes we just charge them 50p a game (US$0.90) or even free!!!
P.S. Sdbowler, Sawbones and Cbjdc, Great post!!
The Hose, Great rant!!
Bullred and BowlingBabe, top bloke and top gal!! I feel your pain too!
Would love to go to U.S. one day, and bowl. Guess I’m the Big Lebowski!!!
Homer Simpson is a better bowler than me!