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Author Topic: Drifting  (Read 829 times)


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« on: May 17, 2009, 02:29:05 PM »
I routinely drift about 5 boards toward my target sometime during my approach, presumably the last step.

How bad of an idea is it to just make my first step go five boards to the right (i'm left handed)?




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Re: Drifting
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 11:13:28 PM »
Maybe make a concious effort to walk straight, or even walk to the right a bit.  I guess that could be done in your first step and hopefully the rest will follow.  I'm not really much help so I'd say just try it to see what happens.  I had a nasty habit of walking towards my target too, but it was different depending on my intended launch angle.  I pretty much just made sure I pointed my feet straight and walked in that direction.


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Re: Drifting
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 09:18:59 AM »
Why bother changing a thing? Is it causing you issues? Walking straight is NOT a prerequisit of good bowling.

If it is in your last step and you are left handed than this could cause some inconsistancies. Transitioning your body weight right during the slide is very hard to duplicate and maintain balance (posting your shot).

If you are intent to change your feet work... you should walk more like the backward letter C.  Where is a 5 step approach, your are moving right during the first 3 steps, straight on the 4th step and toward your target on the last step.

Moving right in the first two steps especially is a good idea as it will allow you to place your swing into the "slot" as described by Slowinski. And sliding your foot toward the target in the your last step is a great way to keep perfect balance at the line.

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Re: Drifting
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 09:22:45 AM »
Dito - I would not worry as long as you do it consistently. I'd just check if you actually end up at the same spot all the time despite (or due to) the drifting tendency.

But: it could be that the drifting is just the result of another flaw, e. g. to compensate for an open shoulder and/or bent upper body. That could be something to check, just to make sure that the basics are sound.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Drifting
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 01:46:21 PM »
drifting doesnt matter as long as you do it the same every time. some people dont drift and others drift a lot. i drift 6/7 but i do it the same every shot and i slide to my target. look at tommy jones or mike wolf they dont drift much at all. but then look at brad angelo he drifts a ton but its the same every time. its all about being able to repeat the same way everytime.