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Author Topic: Pinky finger causes less revs?  (Read 3788 times)


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Pinky finger causes less revs?
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:08:15 AM »
I am curious as to if anyone has a good answer to the debate of having a pinky finger hole causes less revs on the ball?  Also, if you don't have a pinky hole and tuck your pinky finger instead then does that change the revs or release compared to the finger on the ball in a normal release?



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Re: Pinky finger causes less revs?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 06:58:49 PM »
Pinky hole? My father in law does this and two uncle in laws and once long ago I was sold on it and tried it...then hated it. I really feel it's for people with hand problems that will allow them to get behind the ball easier however your axis on the ball can lead to be be greater. I found myself my fingers were in the ball too long and coming around the ball more then I wanted. I really don't see the purpose of it. In fact the only pro I know that used it was Mark Williams and he was able to get under the ball with ease.

With pinky tucking that I discovered after this experiment around 2000 allows me to get out of the ball quicker vs having the pinky flat and also think gives me different axis and a better reaction and at least in my mind gets my ball down the lane better with a sharper reaction vs having it flat. Once I started doing that it is very difficult to try and putting it flat on the ball again. Putting the pinky flat and wide you will/may come around the ball severly and putting it flat and right next to the ring finger will get more over end roll. At least that's how I have felt.I feel it also gives me a more secure grip on the ball especially on the downswing.


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Re: Pinky finger causes less revs?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 07:19:20 PM »
i dont tuck my pinky anymore.but for me the tuck seemed to give me a bit stonger move to the pocket.if it was more revs or different axis  tilt i dont know.but i have never tried a pinky hole


i'd say if u have a old ball take it to a shop and have them pop a hole and try it out...


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Re: Pinky finger causes less revs?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 10:44:53 PM »
A Pinkie hole and a tucked pinky cause different things to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Pinky finger causes less revs?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 04:48:33 AM »
I started tucking a couploe of yeas ago....just like others say with a sharper move on the back.


This allows me to play the top hat like the big boys, get in the middle of the pattern throw out to the dry and come back in to the pattern(often 2 to 3 boards deeper at the arrows).  NICE!


I can easily switch back and forth NOW(because I practice it!  ).  Leaving the pinky out tends to have me play more classic lefty UP the oil line with less swing.  Comes in handy when I need it!


I note that tucking the pinky makes me FEEL that the ring finger span is longer or tighter(I believe many end up shortening their ring finger span when they go to the tucked pinky!  Just a small amount.





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Re: Pinky finger causes less revs?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 05:24:07 AM »
I currently have a pinky hole and have for a long time.  It is purely a comfort thing and I started when I was younger due to tucking the finger.  Over the years I have heard twenty different things about what the hole does and does not do so I figured that I would get some other opinions.  Does the hole cause drag coming out of the ball which cuts the revs?  Also, what does the difference in axis cause as I have never had an issue with flushing the pocket.