I started tucking a couploe of yeas ago....just like others say with a sharper move on the back.
This allows me to play the top hat like the big boys, get in the middle of the pattern throw out to the dry and come back in to the pattern(often 2 to 3 boards deeper at the arrows). NICE!
I can easily switch back and forth NOW(because I practice it! ). Leaving the pinky out tends to have me play more classic lefty UP the oil line with less swing. Comes in handy when I need it!
I note that tucking the pinky makes me FEEL that the ring finger span is longer or tighter(I believe many end up shortening their ring finger span when they go to the tucked pinky! Just a small amount.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.
James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana