Not really any more suggestions, just a word of advice. Having used the old HAMMERS in their day for just this exact reason, they are deceptively "rolly", and will fool you if you let them.
What I mean is, they tended to pick up a roll sooner than other urethane balls of the day, so they "looked" like they weren't hooking as much. DO NOT BE FOOLED.
I loved the way the old HAMMERS would hit and carry WITHOUT having that hard, unpredictable backend motion that some of the others (ANGLES and U-DOTS) seemed to have at times (which, looking back now, sounds ridiculous, given what the resin balls do).
The old HAMMERS were the kings of their day. AMF always claimed the ANGLE was the winningest ball on tour, but that was because HAMMERS were made by a small company while ANGLES were made by the most predominant company at that time. HAMMERS became very popular thereafter, but most big name stars were signed to ball contracts which kept them from using the HAMMERS (Like Mark Roth, Mike Aulby, and Johnny Petraglia using Brunswick RHINOS and Earl Anthony using Ebonite MAGNUMS and GYROS)
After many saw the advantage of the HAMMER balls, those who could began to use them in droves.
Incidentally, and, as an afterthought, you do know that the Wonders family that makes Visionary stuff is the same family that developed the HAMMER balls, don't you? After much financial trouble, they sold the HAMMER name to Ebonite, then started the Visionary company in the old St. Louis plant where HAMMER balls were made.