As a representative for 900 Global (self appointed for a decade), allow me to speak on this issue.
You can not force someone to like your brand.
Certain people like certain ball motions that a company has to offer. Some people look at 900 Global and may be intrigued by a particular piece. They ask my opinion (which I'm ready to give an honest one) and try to work a ball into their ball based off of what they're looking for. Chances are, I can get almost any reaction a person wants from our line.
However, I do not cram my ideas down one's throat. I'll trumpet new releases, say where current releases fit in an arsenal, work with each individual until I believe I may have developed a small bleed in my brain from thinking so hard.
Nothing drives away potential paying customers more than being told that they are incorrect right off the bat.
You wanna talk about bowling company x and how a ball from my line can fit? Let's go! It's what I'm made to do! I'll take you to the lanes and do work until they're asking us to leave! At the end of the day, you may not match up with my suggestion (heaven known I haven't matched up with some balls), but I am not going to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.