Im trying to put together some sort of lane report sheet.
We are having trouble with our lanes at the moment and genuine problems are not reaching the correct people at our centre. So the managers have asked if we can put together some sort of sheet that people can fill in when the lanes have problems.
Has anyone ever done something similar before or know where I can get one or have ideas to put on it?
It will be something like:
Aproaches:: Sticky, Dirty, Chewing Gum. Comments:
Where you can pick which is the problem then have a comments box for each section. Id like to include Concorce,Aproaches,Heads and MidLane,Backends,Machinary and any others that you may have ideas of.
Thanks all.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck

Want to learn to read lanes then visit:- on 7/11/2008 9:10 AM