Illegal? As long as it had a minimum of 3 units of oil it wasn't illegal. If they have a lane machine that strips and oils, it doesn't take but a few minutes to do a lane! I don't understand how he can spill oil on the back if the lanes are done by machine! Both teams had to bowl on the same condition, so it wasn't illegal! It sounds like the other team won and that's what the post is truly about! If you're team would have won, then we probably wouldn't have an issue! Sorry about your night, but there's nothing that you or anybody else can do! Before we got our new lane machine, our old wick machine messed up and oiled gutter to gutter and it was tough! We adjusted and a couple of us moved deeper and didn't hook the ball and shot really good! Of course everybody else complained to the owner, but he said the same thing! Everybody had to bowl on the same condition and some adjusted and some didn't move and complained! Just my $.02, Bruce