You did the right thing. I wish the same thing would have happened to me when I came back after a 13 year layoff. I did like an hours worth of research on the internet (including on here) and foolishly decided that I wanted a Black Widow Bite for my new ball, even though the closest thing to a reactive ball that I had ever thrown was a Columbia Wine u-Dot. I went into my local pro shop, said I wanted the ball and (after a quick hand measurement) was told it would be ready in an hour. He didn't even have me throw a ball nor did he know anything about my swing. At the time, I didn't know any better (remember, I hadn't bowled in 13 years!) and didn't realize the importance of pin placement, MB, etc. Needless to say, the ball didn't work for fact, I even said some harsh things about the ball on different forums (including on here) that I wish I could take back as I later realized it wasn't the ball's fault (but, is it really ever?). It was the layout that was determined without knowing anything about me just to get the $200+ sale! I wish someone would have helped me out like you did, abrown! Even though the next closest pro shop to me is 30-45 minutes away, I will drive there and avoid my local shop because of this! I have since purchased 11 balls (including balls for my wife and kids), bags, shoes, cleaners, towels, etc in the last 6 months and haven't spent any money at that shop! Thank you for what you did, abrown...I wish all pro shop owners/managers were like you!