So this past weekend, I went to visit my dad for Christmas, and my brother told me to bring my bowling stuff, so i did, and we went bowling saturday nite. Well it just so happend, I ran into a old bowling friend and we got to talking about bowling in the area and such.
About how one center was bought back in 2004 ( Northland ) and completely re-furbished and how the one i went to was sold during the summer of 2005 ( Century ), and went to crap. Which of course went onto how guys will goto where ever they can score the easiest. Because everyone migrated to the place that was re-furbished because they were putting down a SUPER SUPER EASY shot, and the other place ended up being in the hands of a guy who didnt know anything about bowling lol.
Of course my friend said the Northland shot is so easy that high average is like 250 in the house and that one guy who before moving to town had 4, 800's and none since he moved to town, already has 4, 800's this yr. He also went onto mention how some guys are averaging 210+, but yet they goto States, and end up shooting nothing but 180's lol..
Now this got me thinking, back to when it seemed all the bowling alleys in said area had tougher shots, that all played differently. And if you averaged high 190's or over 200, you were consider'd GOOD. And I'm not talking 20yrs ago, this is within the last 10-12yrs.
And both of us joked about how its fun to average high for a bit, but after a while it just gets old and, we both agreed, that whats the point of averaging 230, when you goto some other house and struggle to shoot 180. We both also agreed that we'd rather struggle shooting 180's in a sport shot league than to average 220+ knowing it isnt going to do anything for us when we goto States or nationals.
But it just made me wonder, at what point did all the bowling alleys decide to see who could put out the easiest shot??? Because before these super easy shots, guys usta bowl 2 or 3 nights a week, in different houses so they knew how to bowl on those shots.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "