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Author Topic: Lanes different, or the same - which do you prefer?  (Read 996 times)


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Lanes different, or the same - which do you prefer?
« on: February 19, 2004, 09:54:35 PM »
When the two lanes on a pair are MARKEDLY different, do you bowl better or worse?

Quite often, I'll find one lane playing a board different than the other, but that is NOT the circumstance I'm talking about here.

For me, when they are quite different, I seem to rise to the challenge, and concentrate more. For example, last night the two lanes on our pair started out 5-2 different, ended up 4-3 different.

Keep in mind - for my game, a 2 board move with my feet is a substantial move. I know some guys who move 5 for every board I move - so the numbers I mentioned above are relative, but a large difference for me.

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Re: Lanes different, or the same - which do you prefer?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2004, 01:02:46 PM »
Do I score as well as I normally do? Depends, but probably not as well as normal.

Do I like it when they are that way? In general yes. I believe I read these conditions better than most of my opponents and my scores do not suffer nearly as much as their scores do.

It also adds the challenge of you playing two separate games at the same time. My experience is that they will break down differently as the night goes along.


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Re: Lanes different, or the same - which do you prefer?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2004, 01:06:47 PM »
I'd prefer that they be the same or close to the same, but dfferent is OK.  For example, in my local house, 1 and 2, (against the outside wall) are almost always different.  And not just a board or two. There are nights that there is a 10 board difference between them, with 1 almost always the tigher of the two.  There have been nights, when your best shot is fairly straight (around 10) on 1 , and 4th arrow on 2.   Makes for real interensting nights. Now the other end (31/32), are also different, but do not have near as large of a difference.

da Shiv

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Re: Lanes different, or the same - which do you prefer?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2004, 01:22:46 PM »
This type of situation happens all the time in the league I'll be bowling in in a few hours.  I keep a piece of paper in my back pocket with a column for the left lane and a column for the right lane; and once I establish where I ought to be playing, I write down my starting foot location and lane target on the paper and glance at it right before it's my turn to bowl.  If I make a good shot that goes awry on account of lane changes, as soon as I finish the frame I write down what I think my adjustment ought to be the next time I'm up on that lane.  Sometimes--about twice a year--I need to use a different line AND a different ball on each lane.  Writing down what I'm doing saves me substantial mental taxation, and my mind can use the tax relief.

The heads on these lanes are so beat up, some of them have quite visible patching, and most of them have clearly evident board separation; and the location of these things varies from lane to lane.  I'd like it better if the lanes were more similar, but I'm so used to the big differences that it doesn't bother me that much anymore.  


(added on edit)
Those sheets where I keep track of my positioning also make an interesting record of the changing of the lanes.  I can see how I needed to move as I look down the column of figures and sometimes it gives me helpful clues about what to expect the next time I'm on those lanes.  Not often, but sometimes.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 2/20/2004 2:23 PM
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top