Last night being a prime example. This is an 8 team league of mostly high average scratch bowlers (it's a competitive 3-man scratch league, so that makes sense . . ). First game is kind of normal, one guy leaves a 10 his last shot for 289, there were a couple 250's, that's normal for that league. Second game, however, hell broke loose. One of the guys that shot 250-something shot 296 (bucket). His team shot 798 that game. Through the first 7 frames for their team, they had ONE spare, the rest were strikes. On my end, my boss shoots 286 (front 10, 6-10, misses), then my buddy shoots 287 (9/, 10 in a row, 3-6-10), and I strike out for 225 (X in the 7th, 9 pin in the 8th, off the sheet). We shoot 798. Going into the last game, the guy with the 296 is at 554. My boss is at 521, my buddy is at 544, another guy in the league is at 522. There HAD to be another couple that were at 500+. Mr. 296 ended up with 802. My boss and buddy ran into some track burn and didn't shoot so high the last game (we all had 700 though, I had 450 going in, boss and I tied at 718, and my buddy had 711), but that other team that had the 798 the same game we did shot 2200+, I believe. Out of 24 bowlers, there are about 15 or 16 that are capable of stuff like that, but geez it's an EASY shot.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.
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