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Author Topic: Asking for Help  (Read 1028 times)


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Asking for Help
« on: December 03, 2003, 03:43:21 AM »
I posted about a friend looking for a kit to make a Exactacated thumb. One person answered the same thing over 12 times and others thought it was funny with some remarks.

One of those that thought it was so funny was one I sent copys of things he wanted{I paid for the copies and mailing to CA.} not once but twice {when he lost them off the back of his motorcycle}. Guess thats the thanks you get for trying to help a fellow ballreviewer.
 Is it so funny when some one is looking for some thing???  Don't know what this site is coming to but it used to be fun to read and get serious answers, in the last 2-3 months it sure has changed.

Edited on 12/3/2003 7:51 PM



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Re: Asking for Help
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2003, 09:08:47 AM »
As far as the repeated posts, I'm sure that was a site screw up. I am almost willing to bet he didn't do it on purpose, but at least he did give you an answer to your question, as far as posts about it, you gotta admit, it is unusual to see something typed that many times and it was kinda funny, noone was putting you down, we were just messing around a little bit with an obvious computer error.
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