quote:Mav: To the best of my knowledge, no he hasn't. At least not for ballreviews consumption. I'm in his camp on this because I've done my own experimenting with a few ball over the years. The test that comes to mind was on Ebonite Stingers (picked them up cheap on closeout). Both had 3" pins and 3oz starting top weight. For drilling, both balls had the pin placed directly below the ring finger. To test differences, one ball was drilled with the CG in the center grip, and the second with the CG stacked almost directly below. The CG swing was hair above 1", the max I could go without requiring an X-Hole.What I found was that total hook was about the same, but the respective hook shapes were slightly different. The ball that was more 'CG out' had a little more length and backend. The CG in the center grip line was more archy with slightly less backend.The reactions weren't drastically different, but visibly different all the same. I asked a few of my practice partners to give me their honest opinion of relative movement, and I was told I was not seeing things.Now, I don't expect anyone to believe this because they weren't there, and bowlers here are going to believe what they want to believe. Anyway, if Brunswick can't produce a conclusive video with a Throwbot (without flaws) in the most controlled environment that can possibly be constructed, there will never be a test (other than one you construct for yourself) that will put the issue to rest. Good luck to Nick. It will be interesting to watch his effort.
quote:Why do you guys argue about this stuff? Its not that important of information. BrunsNick has a really good handle on all these concepts, but it doesnt make him bowl any better, I mean he is 62nd in the west region points standings. Most of the users here focus on the wrong things, When Nick posts stuff like this alot of you guys think it is vital information, which it is not.
quote:From: thewatcher Received: 4/16/2007 8:38:11 PM Subject: tool Message: you are such a tool, get a life. Instead of trying to comprehend things that are over your head, why dont you go practice, my girlfriend has more revs and ballspeed than you do,lol,lol,lol.
quote:After reading your post I think there is one more variable here that no one considered, and that is constant depth of drilled holes, they can also have an effect on reaction. Steven states closeness to "legality" for static weight rules, ball drillers arent perfect, if one ball has finger holes drilled deeper to take out finger weight, this has a similar effect to a "flare reducing x-hole", which in effect can make the ball tamer, likewise for thumb holes drilled deeper causing flare to increase. So many variables that need to be controlled, its very hard to manage them all.
quote:Mega, please dont put yourself in the same category as Nick. Nick is a good bowler, you are not.
quote:quote:Mega, please dont put yourself in the same category as Nick. Nick is a good bowler, you are not.Just feeding... nothing to see here...http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e200/sm0key_27/Haterade.gif