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Author Topic: Summer League Averages  (Read 3179 times)


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Summer League Averages
« on: July 31, 2008, 10:15:17 AM »
As the summer league season comes to a close, I was just wondering how people are doing so far? Did you have a goal to hit for average? Are you at that point yet or do you think you can get there in the last handful of weeks? Maybe it's just me being excited about having a new average, I haven't bowled a league since the '02-'03 season. Well considering my last average (when I was a junior) was 193 and I had set my goal at 220, I'm pleased with where I am sitting so far. I have 3 more weeks of league and am sitting at 229.5 right now, with a new goal of 230!!!

So how's the summer treating you guys? Average going up or down, or about the same?
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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2008, 09:40:06 PM »
How about drinking averages? I've been steadily averaging about 4 pints per league night.
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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2008, 12:46:36 AM »
I bowl the summer to work on things in prep for the winter league as does everyone else on the team.  This policy was set up when we were first forming the team four years ago and will remain in effect.  We bowl in a different house with different lanes, wood in winter house v. synthetics in summer house.

I try to maintain my winter ave. in the summer house, this year I finished winter at 190, and I am currently at 192 with four weeks to go. Our team is sitting in second place right now and we are within striking distance of the first place team even though we have not really pushed ourselves to win every game.

I'm thinking that we just might go out and actually try to win this thing over the last three weeks.

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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2008, 06:11:08 AM »
I had a early goal of 210 even though I went 200 and 216 in my fall leagues. The 216 was me getting lucky towards the end and bowling amazing, but there is only about 4 weeks left and I'm 203, partly to me bowling sub-600 these past 3 weeks. I've been struggling with my spare shooting as of recently, so I'm gonna have to fix that lol
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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2008, 08:01:30 AM »
My THS League Goal was to keep my average where it ended, near a 210.  Right now I'm at 201 I believe.  The lanes (same center no less) are completely different week to week in the summer. Sometimes they oil, sometimes they over-oil, sometimes they just let them sit and collect dust all day and we have a leftover shot from the night before.  It's helped me with learning my gear and how the different balls roll though, and I'm starting to get into the swing of it.

My PBAx league goal was a 190 average.  I'm at a 183 right now with 3 weeks to go.  But to be fair, this point last year my average was about a 173, so I'm moving in the right direction.  The lane machine as this house died a few weeks, and it was just an absolute flood on the lanes.  I'd say 3 weeks of the season so far was nothing but just a block of oil.
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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2008, 08:26:05 AM »
Right now I'm at 202.  Would be a lot higher but I was dealing with some timing and release issues early in the league.  Finally have gotten them sorted out and the last 5 weeks have been 658, 702, 623, 670, 613.  Gives me some confidence going into the fall league, that maybe I can average decent this year...and have a legitimate shot at my first 300.

Plus I've really fallen in love with the Thunderstruck Solid that I am throwing.  Couldn't ask for a better ball right.  Looking into getting a Cell for the winter league, as they usually throw out quite a bit of oil.

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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2008, 08:38:45 AM »
I keep shooting the same series week in and week out in my PBA Experience league.  I always have right around a 740 for 4 games, so I've had a 185 basically all season.  I have three good games and one awful one every single night.  I just forget how to throw the ball for an entire game and shoot a 140 or 150 every single week in that league.  I'll be in the 190-210 range every other game except that.  Annoying.  I feel like I've thrown the ball better than last year, but have had LOWER scores to show for it.  I'm more consistent, but I haven't been putting up the random 240 game in that league every couple of weeks like I did last year.  But then again, most of those 240s were the result of sloppy Brooklyn strikes and so forth, and I haven't been getting those this year very often!  Not to mention the lanes are playing exceptionally tough this season in that league -- nobody is averaging over 200 now, and my 185 is about the 3rd or 4th highest average in the league.

Right around 225 on a house shot in an unsanctioned league, which doesn't surprise me.  I've experimented with different equipment and different lines pretty much every week.  If I was actually trying harder, I'd probably be right around 230, but I'm not.


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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2008, 01:13:36 PM »
Well, I'm only averaging 207 right.  I'm mainly just testing my equipment on different lines, angles, etc.  I did manage 300 with one of my Power Machines 2 weeks ago however.

This is also the most I've bowled since I hurt my wrist pretty bad last summer.  Overall I have to say things are going very well!

High game-300
High series-796


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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2008, 08:18:22 PM »
THS league: 240
PBA Experience: 205

I just wish the center that put out the experience patterns took more care in doin so, they put out the same pattern back to back weeks and so far they havent played anywhere close for anyone week to week (very fustrating).
A new ball will never make u better nor will agruing constantly make u right so go practice and stop arguing.


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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2008, 04:53:44 PM »
i don't bowl leagues in the summer anymore but after 8 weeks off i'm practicing regularly. i almost never get a fresh shot. instead, i get a regular diet of early hook in the heads and carrydown on the backend( due to plastic ball carrydown ). nevertheless, i'm averaging about 225.


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Re: Summer League Averages
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2008, 02:33:51 AM »
Regular Shot:
Goal = 225
Actual = 217

PBA Joke (or w/e its called):
Goal = 200
Actual = 201

So... I'm not gonna make it on the house shot, but i've got it for the joke known as the PBA experience league

High Sanctioned Series: 750
High Sanctioned Game: 300 (x2), 290 (x2)