First of all, what is your style?
Your PAP, rotation, tilt, speed, revs?
Warp and Time Zones are Asymmetrical balls. MB must be taken in consideration when drilling. Not the CG. You say pin placements are right of the fingers and CGs are kicked left. Are you lefty or righty?
If you are righty, you are killing the backends of those balls, making them a lot tamer, smoother.. Redrill them with MB stronger positions, to the right of your thumb.
If you are lefty, pin right of the fingers put you in over 6 inches from PAP. That also minimizes the flare potential, making the balls longer and smoother.
Place the pin placements closer to your PAP. 4 to 5 inches range may work generally.
From what you wrote, I believe examining the current drillings on your balls and re-drilling them would be much cheaper and efficient solution. If same mistakes are done with new balls, you will most likely be getting the same reactions..
Sling Blade has Low Mass Bias rating. Means MB is not important when laying out the ball. Since CG placement is virtually irrelevant in symmetrical cores, due to more suitable pin placement, it appears to react well. ( 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 range I guess)..
Please let us know about details..