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Author Topic: Layout Questions  (Read 1248 times)


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Layout Questions
« on: August 27, 2014, 11:31:43 AM »
Since getting back into bowling last Dec. after about a 18 year layoff, I've purchased three used balls; a Thunderstruck Pearl, a HyRoad Pearl & a Special Agent.  The Thunderstruck is basically like it was when I purchased it except that I've had it resurfaced & got new fingertip inserts.  The grip/span fit nearly perfect so I haven't had it redrilled.  The other two balls were from the same guy and the span on each was just a little too long, so I've only had the thumb hole of both balls plugged and redrilled to fit.  So in total I've got about $220 invested in balls, including plugging, redrilling, etc...
So now that I'm back into bowling and have got the basics back down and am carrying (to me) a fairly decent average (176 & 186  between two leagues), I want my next ball to be brand new and drilled just for me.   At this point I don't have a clue what my ball speed , rev rate or anything else is.  And I can only guess at what my track is.  According to Storm's matchmaker, my track is somewhere between medium & high.  (First oil ring is a little more than two inches from the finger holes.)  About the only thing I know for sure is that I'm right handed!! LOL   

So what does/should the pro shop operator do and look for to figure out a layout specific for me?  What questions should I ask?  And once I get a layout specific to me, will it be a night & day difference compared to the balls I'm currently using?  And if so, should I get those balls plugged and redrilled?  Keep using them as is since they fit and I know how they react?  Or sell them and start over???       

I could probably think of a bunch more questions but I'll leave it at this for now.

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Re: Layout Questions
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 12:15:18 PM »
These are actually very good questions and refreshing to hear that some is willing to ask the questions that make my job easier. Lol!

So the best thing that you can do is get there early and get a pair to practice (gives you an excuse to practice and throw some balls). Let your driller know that you are interested in a new ball and would like for him or her to watch you bowl a few shots so you can get some stats to better understand your equipment.

They should watch you for about 3-5 shots. During one of your shots (I prefer on of your better shots) they should be able to mark your track and get you PAP (positive axis point) which is the key and essential for laying out equipment. They can also get you axis tilt and be able to watch your axis rotation (stats to further specify your base layout).

From there they should be able by watching you bowl and taking your stats to look at the equipment you have and give you a better perspective on what they are laid out to do and recommend better surfaces or changes in your grip. And the from there recommend a ball that can fill gaps in your bag in reference to what you bowl on.

I hope this helps out.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Layout Questions
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 08:07:09 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  Good info!!  Reading about the different layouts and what they are designed to do and what to use on different lane conditions has been a bit of information overload!!  Of the three balls I have, the HyRoad Pearl & Special Agent are laid out very similar (makes sense since they came from the same guy) and react in similar ways.  Both are pin up just above the ring finger but the CG on the SA is more towards the center of the grip where the CG on the HR is, what the driller called "stacked".  The pin on the TS is to the right and almost even/parallel with the finger holes and the CG is again towards the center of the grip.  I can definitely see a difference in how that ball reacts compared to the other two.  But knowing what to use on a specific lane condition has just been a trial & error process.  So getting with the pro shop operator for an hour or so would definitely be a huge help.         

Thanks again!!

Just watched this video  (  that was attached in another post and I can relate 100%!!!   Especially the part where he talks about the consistancy (or inconsistancy!!) of 170-180 bowlers and how often they hit/miss their mark.  That's definitely my biggest problem; being consistant!! 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 10:13:19 AM by abcarr »
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance