
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: VxSaUcYxV on June 29, 2008, 03:15:54 PM

Title: Layouts for ebonite
Post by: VxSaUcYxV on June 29, 2008, 03:15:54 PM
Hello I am going to be getting a playmaker and a blue and teal clash. I am wondering what would be the best layout for them.... I am wanting the playmaker
to not go long and not roll early but something in between. and the clash to go long but still have enough back end to not leave flat 10s wash outs ect...

Thanks In Advance
Title: Re: Layouts for ebonite
Post by: VxSaUcYxV on June 29, 2008, 11:21:02 PM
Sorry forgot somethings haha but my revs are about 400 maybe lil more and ball speed about 17-18mph thanks
Title: Re: Layouts for ebonite
Post by: batbowler on July 05, 2008, 11:42:27 PM
Darn, my Clash T/P is teal and purple!
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL TO WIN" and not turn from it."
Title: Re: Layouts for ebonite
Post by: charlest on July 06, 2008, 08:37:27 AM
That's still not enough info about you, we also need what type of player are you (where you like to play on the lane) And where you track or what your PAP (Positive Axis Point)is before any drilling suggestion could be applied to your game?
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

Also need to know what lane surface to play on and what oil pattern and amount you normally will be using these balls.

Should also know how other balls you use react on these surfaces and oil patterns and how these balls are drilled.

This is why your local driller, who knows where you bowl and how you bowl, is the best person to suggest real life drillings, not the approximations we can make here, by remote control.
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