This is a toughie.
Our scratch league is capped. Our team captain got a sub for an absent bowler that put us over the cap. I discovered it about the start of the first game, (ADDED ON EDIT - IT WAS THE THIRD GAME - I TYPED IT WRONG) and called it to the team captain's attention.
League (and ABC) rules - we forfeit all points.
Ok. Bad stuff happens. I can deal with that. Here's the problem:
My team captain bowls lead off. In the 9th frame, after speaking with the league secretary, that said that yes, indeed we do forfeit all the points, he throws an air ball. Picks 3 pins off the left side. Gets up on the second ball, puts it exactly where he put the first one. Repeats the same thing in the 10th frame.
Now - it was his fault this happened. He admitted it when the other team said something. Therefore, there was no question in his mind where the blame lies.
So - WHY did he show such remarkable BAD sportsmanship???
It was so bad, and he was so angry, that I really don't know if I want to bowl with him next year!
What would you do?
Edited on 2/25/2004 12:29 PM