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Author Topic: League bowling starting to feel scripted...  (Read 1963 times)


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League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« on: November 18, 2008, 03:25:50 PM »
Here's my last two years bowling league -- any league, except PBAX:

1) Start the night with a idiot-proof shot to the pocket. About 10 boards of area. It's dumb fun, but fun nonetheless. Condition usually holds up until about the third frame of the first game, give or take five frames depending on who else is playing your area.

2) First eight or so frames of game 1 go by without much fuss; around the ninth frame, your ball wiggles up a half-board and you trip the 4. Note: This will be your one and only warning to move.

3) By the time the second game gets started, you are hunting for something new. At my house, we don't have a drastic wall or a lot of hold inside to begin with, so moving left quickly turns into the law of diminishing returns: not enough in the middle to get the ball to transfer through, but too much on the outside to bank it off. Typically, this is when guys with multiple balls begin to de-shell.

4) If you're lucky enough to catch a good pair or if the pattern holds up, you're good. Otherwise, you're good until about the second frame of the third game, and then you run out of left. Now it's back to the right, playing up the very outside, but without any hold area and you almost have to be Norm Duke for a day to make it work. Meanwhile, the one lefty on your pair hasn't moved since Halloween.

So typically, I'm shooting a high game, followed by a low game, followed by a grab bag in the third game. It could be very high, very low or somewhere in between. Tonight it was in between because I started quickly and then had a twofold problem of (a) no hold area and (b) one lane's 1-5 boards were drastically different from the other's and I didn't figure out my equipment until it was too late.

Good thing I like a challenge. (g)




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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 11:49:23 PM »
Are you looking for improvement? How to better adjust to the lanes?  You do seem to be in a stagnant area, but there's definately room for improvement.

I'd say get a coach and start bowling more in practice.  I don't know anything about your physical game, but if its good, then you need to get a coach that can teach you lane play. Not that easy to find but possible.



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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2008, 12:02:22 AM »
LOL, well put...

"meanwhile, the only lefty on the pair hasn't moved since halloween."
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

Rev Rate: 400-450
Speed: 17-18 mph
Current Average: 230


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2008, 12:04:10 AM »
I'm averaging 190 right now and I doubt I could ever get much past 200, especially not in this particular house. I can't repeat shots well enough for that and I have two issues with my physical game: A big butt and a bad knee, the latter of which kills a good deal of knee bend at the foul line. However, I get frequently complimented from other bowlers that I look "smooth." I don't have any video to show you. Ron Clifton has worked with me before and if he's reading, he can give you his take.

The mental aspects of lane play is actually one of my stronger suits. There is a limit to how far left I am comfortable going, so I have worked hard on being able to go up the outside boards. It's a move that few guys on my league dare to do, and I'm the only guy who carries below 215 who'll do it. Most just keep going left, or throw it harder, or -- and this is by far the most popular choice, it seems -- just keep throwing it in the same place, the same way, and hope for a different result. I know my equipment like the back of my hand (I drill my own stuff). My problem, again, is simply shot repetition. But I also feel like there's something I'm missing, some move I'm not seeing that I should be.


Edited on 11/19/2008 1:07 AM


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 09:21:43 AM »
Jess, when I figured out my league.  For that month or so, I would average 230-240.  It is similar to what you described.  Although, throughout the season, lane conditions would also change. There seemed to be three or four slightly different conditions.  I would also have 1 maybe 2 nights where my line only moved about 2 boards.  Those were my high 700 series nights.
I just don't bowl enough anymore to figure out how to shoot those other 3 conditions very well.  Good spare shooting is what keeps my average in the low 2teen's.


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2008, 09:41:58 AM »
Have you tried?   Already saying I don't think I can get better is kind of like shrugging your shoulders and being a victim.  A victim of your own lack of desire to get better.  

I've seen plently of larger people (I've got some pretty big hips too) and those with handicaps bigger then a bad knee average over 200.  

But what kind of bothers me about your post is not just the defeatist attitude, but that it so easy and "idoit-proof" "ten boards of area" and "dumb fun".  If it was idiot proof then don't you think you'd be averaging higher?  You sound like you have a good idea of the characteristics of your shot, make the moves in advance.  In the third point you say you have to hunt for something new....fine do it.  Make a list in your head or paper, of things you've tried what's worked and what's  not worked.  Start logging pairs.  Every center has good and bad pairs and how they are played.



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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2008, 10:01:04 AM »
How can you have a 10 board area and not a drastic wall? I always thought it was a walled shot that gave the dumb fun area. Just curious.


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2008, 10:26:41 AM »
Jess, you just described my house and monday league so perfectly, its scary.

I've been routinely shooting 220+ the first game and then searching for it the 2nd and 3rd games.  Its starting to get discouraging.  I'll be lined up the first game and shoot very well.  We start the second game and they really start to transition and start pushing me left.  So I start chasing the shot left, but then start leaving a lot of more corner pins.  So I move back left but the shot is so touchy, its hard to be consistant.
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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2008, 11:14:02 AM »
How can you have a 10 board area and not a drastic wall? I always thought it was a walled shot that gave the dumb fun area. Just curious.

Well, for one thing it doesn't stay that way for long. Sometimes we barely get out of practice before whatever auto-hook we had in practice is gone.

Note: I'M NOT COMPLAINING. I don't particularly like cake conditions. The post wasn't to gripe about that, it was to talk about how the lanes transition the same way every night, consistently, and that apparently I'm not doing what I need to do to adjust to it.

Back to what I consider a "drastic wall," I've bowled in about 10 different houses this calendar year. In most of the others, if you throw it at the gutter, it bounces off the wall and hooks. If you pull it a couple of boards inside, it holds. And it does this for an entire block.

At our house, it does not. After the first few shots of the night, if you throw it too far out, you will not make it back. If you pull it a couple of boards inside, you will pay for it. THIS IS A GOOD THING. But it goes back to my comments on dealing with the transition. I'm not doing something right.

There seem to be a handful of guys in our league that can handle it, but these are the guys who carry 210+ (there are no averages higher than 217 at our center that I'm aware of) and then go to tournaments and shoot high 7s all day long. They're just good. I've watched them to see what they do to combat it, but they're either playing a part of the lane I've never been able to play (i.e., left of fourth arrow) or they're just so robotically precise that it's silly. I'm trying to find something, within the bounds of my ability, that will allow me to at least maintain my average or hopefully increase it when I encounter these changes.


Edited on 11/19/2008 12:15 PM

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2008, 11:21:24 AM »
LOL, well put...

"meanwhile, the only lefty on the pair hasn't moved since halloween."
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

Rev Rate: 400-450
Speed: 17-18 mph
Current Average: 230

*Sniffle Sniffle*  Lefties don't have to move because we're just that good at manipulating our ball roll
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2008, 11:26:06 AM »
Have you tried?   Already saying I don't think I can get better is kind of like shrugging your shoulders and being a victim.  A victim of your own lack of desire to get better.  

I've seen plently of larger people (I've got some pretty big hips too) and those with handicaps bigger then a bad knee average over 200.  

But what kind of bothers me about your post is not just the defeatist attitude, but that it so easy and "idoit-proof" "ten boards of area" and "dumb fun".  If it was idiot proof then don't you think you'd be averaging higher?  You sound like you have a good idea of the characteristics of your shot, make the moves in advance.  In the third point you say you have to hunt for something new....fine do it.  Make a list in your head or paper, of things you've tried what's worked and what's  not worked.  Start logging pairs.  Every center has good and bad pairs and how they are played.


First of all, read my response to johns811. I think you have misread my intentions. My response to him also clarifies the part about the rich scoring environment in the early going.

I don't have a "lack of desire to get better." If anything, I want too much to get better. My wife bowls with me and can't understand why I sit in the pit all night trying to read transitions and watch other bowlers rather than going back to the setee area and talking about unrelated stuff.

My game's biggest weakness is moving left. Anything left of third arrow is iffy. Left of fourth arrow, it gets very difficult for me. I have a tendency to either drop my shoulder or pitch the ball out too far when I'm trying to play around there. That's why, when I play the Shark pattern, I play it out like Norm Duke likes to play it.

My strength is moving right but still being able to get the ball down the lane and extend my breakpoint vertically. I can do a lot with hand positions, and I'm good at adjusting my rev rate when I need to. I also understand equipment well.

And I like tougher lane conditions. I actually tend to average better on Viper than I do some house shots, for instance.

There's something that I'm doing wrong in regards to a move, or a ball change, and I've yet to figure it out. The issue starts when the lanes change, start getting dry (our overall oil volume is medium to medium-low) and the breakpoint starts wanting to move closer to me.



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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2008, 11:26:34 AM »
instead of going left left left have you ever considered moving up or back on the approach? We have a similar situation in both my leagues. One is more regular than the other but still it's nuts. So to fight back I usually move up with the same ball, or go left with a stronger ball and more often then not I get more of the same meaning, If I was doing good I continue to do so and if it was bad...
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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2008, 11:27:09 AM »
instead of going left left left have you ever considered moving up or back on the approach? We have a similar situation in both my leagues. One is more regular than the other but still it's nuts. So to fight back I usually move up with the same ball, or go left with a stronger ball and more often then not I get more of the same meaning, If I was doing good I continue to do so and if it was bad...
The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that little Extra.


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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2008, 01:53:07 PM »
instead of going left left left have you ever considered moving up or back on the approach? We have a similar situation in both my leagues. One is more regular than the other but still it's nuts. So to fight back I usually move up with the same ball, or go left with a stronger ball and more often then not I get more of the same meaning, If I was doing good I continue to do so and if it was bad...

Yeah, I'm already doing that, and it does help sometimes. Moving back is an easy way for me to change speed and entry angle, but it does have its limit, especially if I'm having to use a weaker-shelled ball. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a recipe for corner pins.



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Re: League bowling starting to feel scripted...
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2008, 02:58:15 PM »
1) Start the night with a idiot-proof shot to the pocket.

Check ... but there are nights I still find a way to not score even on that. You'll need to come up with a name other than "idiot" for me, Jess Maybe "mechanically challenged"

2) First eight or so frames of game 1 go by without much fuss

Check ... but you still see people racing for the bag and switching out 3/4 pieces of equipment.

BTW, are you bowling in an AMF center by chance?  If not, what's the surface?
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