The league secretary who took the funds has been banned from USBC membership until they pay restitution.
I guess I error on not being an old fuddy dud but it has started to get out of hand. I think they will try and conform till the end of the year and may leave the league at that time. I really don't think it will escalate.
I don't want to squash their fun, I enjoy seeing people having a good time while bowling, but you shouldn't be bothering play around you.
You're not being old about this at all. If you were, you wouldn't have brought it up, as it really does concern you.
But I also chalk it down to this point: their version of having a good time ends where your version of having a good time begins. Each person in that league has to be respectful of others not just on the lanes, but throughout the entire time for the duration of the league. Once that respect goes out the door, it is up to those running the league to step in and restore that decorum and respect. This team has lost that, and needs a reminder that their actions in the league affect others in the league. They agreed to abide by the same rules as everyone else, and if they can't, the president, vice-president, sergeant at arms, and treasurer are there to make sure that they do.
Now, if those in office in the league don't want to do anything about it, that is another story. Then your next course of action would be the house, as they would have a say in what is going on as well. Like it was said before, they don't want to lose customers either, and the way it is going (again, assuming that the league officers don't do anything), they would lose customers either way. So it is coming out of their pocket book one way or another. That damages the league and the alley, and that hurts their bottom line.
If it helps, the next time you bowl in that league, see if the team they are bowling against are just as upset with this crew's actions. If they are, have them (or at least their team captain) tell the league officers what is going on, especially with their leaving for 10 minutes at a time for their smoke break. I bet anything that there is a trend for them being one of the last teams to finish for the night (assuming there are an even number of teams in the league). If so, that would be the cause for it. Have the captain inform the league officers and request their forfeit of that game. If you are bowing them, then have your captain do the same. If that team complains about it, just remind them that you didn't write the rules, but only read them.
I know I'm sounding a bit cruel here, but if we're talking respect and decorum, no-one should trample on what should be respectfully entitled to you because of what they think their version of "fun" and "having a good time" should be.