Well one week later.
We happened to bowl the team in question last night.
There was no league meeting. League officers had some discussion with them last week and are waiting to see how it plays out.
Things were quieter, not totally calm, but much of the loudest yelling was not present and tolerable. There was some of what I felt was mocking of the league when their bowler would come off the approach with a a finger to their mouth telling their team to hush.
I also felt like we got slow played some. The whole team wouldn't disappear but a member or two. And they drug their feet at times getting up for their turn. The net result was it took us nearly 3 hours to bowl with no one on the pairs next to us. Both teams shot around 3200 scratch so there were lots of strikes thrown.
We are down to the last 8 weeks of the season so I'm guessing we will have to wait for the end of the year meeting for any resolution, if then.