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Author Topic: League point systems  (Read 20197 times)


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League point systems
« on: September 16, 2004, 08:35:31 AM »
I have bowled the past couple years in a league where there is a possability of 28 points every night. If you beat your man each game you get a point and a point for totals (possible 4 points). Your team gets 2 points for each win and two for series. We also have a position round every four weeks. I find this system not only exciting but also challenging! It sure helps the reduction of sand baggers. The top guy with individual points at the end of the year recieves a nice money prize. Your thoughts (im hooked!)



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Re: League point systems
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2004, 04:56:52 PM »
I have, for over 40 years, always bowled the old fashioned 4 points system: 1 point per game (team) and 1 point totals (team).  That's it.  I'd love to bowl a peterson system or anything else.  I agree, it most likely would cut down on sandbagging, especially in a money league.
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Re: League point systems
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2004, 05:16:05 PM »
I bowl same type league 4 points team total for 30 point.
also is a scratch league so no bagging a all.
I am in 1st for single points yet gets $25.00
at end of season.


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2004, 05:23:28 PM »
Run two league is our center with the
30 point system
3 points per team game, 1 for team series
These are handicap totals.
5 bowlers, 4 individual points at stake.
High point guy takes $60 at end of year.
We have never had a shut-out in the system and it
is neat to take a few points even though the rest of
your team might be getting wiped out. This is a very
popular system in my home house.


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2004, 05:24:14 PM »
I've bowled that type of point system for 12 years.  We use 30 points, 15 individual head to head handicap, 4 team points per game, 3 team points per series.  That keeps the value of the team win equal to the individual points.  Usually divide the season into quarters or thirds depending on league size.    It always seems to keep the league competitive since one bowler cannot completely shut out the opposing team, bowlers cannot "average manage" when the game is a lock, and teams can get hot for 4 or 5 weeks and win a quarter or drastically change positions.  When we used the usual 7 point system it always seemed that 1 team ran away with the league and 2 or 3 teams had no chance at all.

Edited on 9/16/2004 5:18 PM


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2004, 05:26:37 PM »
Currently, two of my leagues use the 4 point system (1pt for game and series).  My other league voted in a 5 point system. (1pt for game, 2 for series).


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2004, 06:15:38 PM »
The standard league format around here is a 7-point system.  2 points for each game and 1 for totals.
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Re: League point systems
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2004, 06:23:54 PM »
Our league is a scratch trios.  One point for each individual game, three for the team game, and one for team total pins, for a possible 19 points per match.
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Re: League point systems
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2004, 12:41:09 AM »
Most leagues around here are 4 point systems (1 for each game and 1 for total) but the industrial leagues employ a 5 point system (1 for each game and 1 for total). I loved bowling in college in a Peterson point system, as we fought head to head as well as in totals for points.



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Re: League point systems
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2004, 12:52:08 AM »
does anyone agree that a system like the stableford in golf would be a great way to make the league more competitive?


da Shiv

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Re: League point systems
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2004, 08:41:26 AM »
Just as Ragnar has always bowled leagues with the four point system, I've always bowled leagues with the seven point system (2 per game, 1 for totals).  Boring.

I'd like to talk my league into trying one of these systems that involve going head to head with your man in the other team's lineup.

Will those of you using one of these systems explain a little of the strategy of lineup selection in these systems?  How is it decided which team posts a lineup first?  Do you "sacrifice" a bowler or two in order to place your best against their worst?  Does the idea mentioned in the last sentence even work?  

I'd be interested in any strategy tips that are used in these systems.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2004, 10:52:44 AM »

A couple of details for you.  The 3 options that I have seen for determining which team sets lineup first have been: 1. team on left enters lineup first, 2. higher average team enters lineup first, 3. team higher in standings enters lineup first.  Can make for some interesting decisions for order or opponents trying to match up.

One rule that is important to consider is the ABC rule for match points when there is an absentee or vacancy bowler.  The ABC rules awards points to the bowler opposing the absent bowler when he bowls his own absent score or better.  This makes a big difference since it is usually an advantage to have a low average bowler opposite the absentee.  If both teams have an absentee or vacancy, they must be set to oppose each other and the winning team receives that individual point.

Knowing your opponents can be a big advantage in deciding individual matchups.  Some teams bowl better as a whole in a set order since they read the lanes based upon each others ball reactions.  I know some teams that will intentionally position lefty against lefty, high average against high average, or an intimidating bowler against a more docile bowler to gain an advantage.  I have intentionally positioned an absentee in the anchor spot to force a lower average bowler seeking the advantage of bowling 10 pins under average to still have to perform if the team game is on the line in the tenth.  A lot of head games have involved having a bowler who "gets all the breaks" against the one who "never has any luck".

The point system makes for some interesting competition as well as violent changes in the standings from week to week.

da Shiv

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Re: League point systems
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2004, 11:15:57 AM »
Guys, thanks for the strategic info posted so far.  It sounds like whichever captain has to post his lineup last is the one that has to do all the thinking.

Leave it to me to find the potential for strife...Suppose the team posting their lineup first knows that someone will be absent, but doesn't let on and posts a lineup including that bowler.  Then, by the time the missing bowler is too late to bowl and has to be marked absent, the other team's lineup is already posted.  If that's a legal move (after all, who could say you knew that guy wasn't going to be there?) then it would seem that everyone would post a full lineup all the time and wait until they HAD to mark someone absent.  Then, there's the other way to approach it...You could mark someone absent that you knew was going to show up at the last second, and then change his status when he shows up after the other team has posted a lineup.  Are there rules about this kind of stuff, or is it all just part of the head games?

I have intentionally positioned an absentee in the anchor spot to force a lower average bowler seeking the advantage of bowling 10 pins under average to still have to perform if the team game is on the line in the tenth.

That's pretty good.  

It seems like there could be some possibilities for acrimony involved if one team interprets another team's lineup selection as taking a cheap shot at someone.  Obviously, choosing your lineup as you see fit in accordance with the rules is not taking a cheap shot, but I could see bad feelings being generated if someone feels that their docile or easy-going player is being picked on.  Of course, riling up the opposition with your lineup selection could also be part of the strategy.  Does that sort of stuff happen?

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2004, 11:28:24 AM »
Our league uses a 30 point system.  Each person can win 1 point per game and total is 4 points.  Overall total is 3 points.  The bowler with the highest number of points at the end of the year wins an additional cash prize.  The team on the left lane must enter their lineup first.

We do not change our lineup based on who we bowl.  We have always felt winning the team total each game, worth 4 points, is more important than the individual points.  Our approach is if we win the team total, we will win some individual points.  Our team chemistry is better if we don't juggle the lineup each week.  So far so good; we won the league last year.


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Re: League point systems
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2004, 12:49:52 PM »
in 1 league we bowl for 40 points a night. its head to head 2 points per man 2 points per game and 4 points for total wood. its the first time ive bowled anything other than the 4 point system and although its a little added pressure i like this format.

in the 2nd league we bowl for 52 points a night and i still dont understand the scoring but its 1 point per game and 1 point for total and the other 48 points you bowl against the rest of the league. i think once i understand it a little better ill like this format also . im open to any new scoring as long as it keeps things interesting. this second format of scoring i think i was told that it was a point system option on league secretary so if anyone has this they can check for it.