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Author Topic: leagues merge which way would you vote  (Read 3549 times)


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leagues merge which way would you vote
« on: September 05, 2012, 04:59:39 PM »
Hello everyone. I have been a reviewer on this site for years, but rarely post. I actually have a topic to post and would like your input. In one house that I bowl in their were 2 leagues (32 lanes-each league with 16 teams). In our league all teams returned. In the other league only 8 teams returned and of the 8 not all teams had full rosters. We started one week before them. After their second week and still only having 8 teams they asked if they could merge.

Here are a few issues:
1. People were complaining that we were in week 3 already and it's too late (I think they had concerns about it effecting their place in standing sheet).
2 We have a entering average cap of 210 in which 3 of there bowlers are over. People over the years were denied membership, due to rule and one person who is in our league was denied entry into the league 2 years ago. He was under the average last year and was able to get in last year. He felt the leagues should merge, but the 3 bowlers over 210 should have to abide by the rule.
3.Some people were concerned, because our league is 16 teams and it is sort of a family atmosphere and that possibly being disrupted.

Just curious as to which way you would vote. Thanks for input



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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 07:17:11 PM »
I would have a league vote and I would vote my personal preference and let everyone else do the same thing. The ones with avg's above the 210 get minus handicap by 100 percent of the pins they are over by each wk for the whole season.


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 06:35:43 AM »
I would raise the cap or make the average based on team average.  You can still have a cap on team average, but it may make the three bowlers switch teams.  I don't feel it is right to punish someone for improving their game.  Remember it is not a requirement to give out individual awards in the prize list.
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 07:56:01 AM »
Why punish bowlers with an average greater than 210?   Calculate handicap based on 90% of 230.  There may be a few bowlers that average above 230.
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!

trash heap

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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 09:40:33 AM »
First off I would make it very clear to them that this is not leagues merging. Next I would recommend those wishing to join your league, ask entry as individual teams. If they have teams with missing players its up to them to create a team to join your league.

As far as the 210 cap. That is a league rule. You can't change it unless you have a league vote. This is your league. If you are happy with your rules then don't change rules for new members, because you just might lose some teams next year over this rule change.

I also would be concerned about these bowlers from this league. It appears their league fell apart in one year. Were there any issues? Are the ones left in the leauge going to cause problems?
Forgot to give my vote: My vote would be a no!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 04:37:02 PM by trash heap »
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 07:40:47 AM »
Thanks for your replies. Well our league has decided to allow them to join. They allowed the 3 bowler who were over the 210 entering average to join (The highest of the 3 being at 221. They decided to change the average system to 90% of 221 as a result ( I believe it was 80% of 210). Hopefully they are good people with good attitudes. In the end, our league didn't want to see a league fold and we now have a chance to grow. Hopefully this doesn't lead to some of our teams leaving after this year. The secretary and treasurer now have a little more work to make changes to schedule and do a little more math so we can adjust prize fund for league.
I am actually on prize fund committee and will use some of your advice into developing a prize fund. Less individual payouts and divert money to team payout.

trash heap

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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2012, 08:27:39 AM »
Hope it all works out for you.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2012, 12:49:13 PM »
Interesting. You describe this as though the League was the deciding factor as to merging .. I'm curious as to how much the Center (management) influenced the final decision?
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2012, 04:15:16 PM »
Sorry Joe for just getting back to you. CPU problems. I never thought about the Center having influenced the decision. It's a very good thought. If they offered some sort of incentive the Officers never mentioned it to us. As far as I know, after the meeting when it was decided to allow them to join it was a done deal. 

Just to update, so far the new league is going okay. It went from 16 Teams to 24 Teams. Our team is doing well (3rd place), but it's been hard to cash in the pots though.


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Re: leagues merge which way would you vote
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2012, 04:38:15 PM »
GREAT! Glad to see it's working!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!