Hello everyone. I have been a reviewer on this site for years, but rarely post. I actually have a topic to post and would like your input. In one house that I bowl in their were 2 leagues (32 lanes-each league with 16 teams). In our league all teams returned. In the other league only 8 teams returned and of the 8 not all teams had full rosters. We started one week before them. After their second week and still only having 8 teams they asked if they could merge.
Here are a few issues:
1. People were complaining that we were in week 3 already and it's too late (I think they had concerns about it effecting their place in standing sheet).
2 We have a entering average cap of 210 in which 3 of there bowlers are over. People over the years were denied membership, due to rule and one person who is in our league was denied entry into the league 2 years ago. He was under the average last year and was able to get in last year. He felt the leagues should merge, but the 3 bowlers over 210 should have to abide by the rule.
3.Some people were concerned, because our league is 16 teams and it is sort of a family atmosphere and that possibly being disrupted.
Just curious as to which way you would vote. Thanks for input