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Author Topic: Learn by your mistakes  (Read 1156 times)


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Learn by your mistakes
« on: November 07, 2008, 03:39:30 AM »
One of my leagues is a mixed league so the wife and I can bowl together. We have bowled in this league a long time and when I say mixed also means that we have old and young. Most have courtesy on the lanes except for a few who like to rush and make sure they go first. But I will have to say if someone has a string of strikes going they will all stay back until that bowler has his or her shot. Well last night we were on our end pair of our league. We were next to the other league that we share the house with. In the third game I had the front 10 strikes and up for my second strike in the 10th and look out of the corner of my eye to the right and here comes a bowler up on the approach. He looks at me then backs off. I went ahead and threw the ball and leave the 4 pin. I do not blame the bowler by any means. I do blame myself for not going over to the air drier and starting over to clear any distractions that occurred. All I can say is if a bowler is stringing strikes give them lane courtesy and let them have the space that they need and if you are the one stringing strikes make sure you don't let distractions take away a 300 or 800 game from you.




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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 12:13:23 PM »
Sounds like he did the right thing to begin with.  Many people are looking down when they pick up their ball and step on the approach.  He recognized you were on the approach and backed off.

You still blamed him, even though you said you didn't.  Nice rolling, though.  Maybe next time.

Edited on 11/7/2008 1:14 PM


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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 12:41:47 PM »
I bowled a stepladder tournament last Saturday. Rule was one lane courtesy. The guy bowling with us had the front ten. The director of the tournament instructed the teams next to us to keep bowling. Would not let the lanes on both sides step down until he finished, as is customary in our house.

The guy missed the 11th, picked up his spare and struck in the 12th.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 12:50:38 PM »
I bowled a stepladder tournament last Saturday. Rule was one lane courtesy. The guy bowling with us had the front ten. The director of the tournament instructed the teams next to us to keep bowling. Would not let the lanes on both sides step down until he finished, as is customary in our house.

The guy missed the 11th, picked up his spare and struck in the 12th.

Um.  Front 10, missed the 11th, spared, and hit the 12th?

Not possible unless you bowl 11 frames.


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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 03:46:01 PM »


You still blamed him, even though you said you didn't. Nice rolling, though. Maybe next time.

I don't know what you are reading into what I stated. I stated that I do not blame the bowler by any means. I said I blamed myself period. The reason I posted the this post in the beginning was to maybe help someone, if they get into the same circumstances at a later date. I did not imply that the bowler cost me anything. I will tell you this and I have been there may times. If any bowler is that close to 300 and I am bowling on the next pair I will not be on the approach, but that is just me. I think I will be be aware that someone is stringing strikes and want to give them the opportunity to shoot good. I just have to be more aware next time and hopefully people that read this post will be also. Now if you still think I am blaming the bowler you are missing the point totally.



Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 03:52:11 PM »
Yea, but you also have to realize, no one cares if you're about to shoot something.  Heck 99% of the time I am completely oblivious to what other people around me are shooting.

I mean normal lane courtesy is nice, but don't expect people to care what you're doing...if it's there time to bowl, they will bowl.

That being said, my new league gives about 1 lane, and it's hard to get used to lol.
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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 04:32:21 PM »
Spider Ball Bowler...

I agree with you and it is a reality these days. Big games are pretty common place now and the bowlers have changed. Lots of times people don't know what is going on until they announce a big score and sometimes they don't even announce. It was fun in the old days when the bowler had the whole league was behind the lanes watching someone go for a big score and then the big roar when its done. My men's league is pretty good and moves along good. Sometimes we have a few who want two lanes courtesy but they are dreaming I think. Believe me they aren't good enough to be on the tour so they will have to deal with one lane. Well anyway, what you have to worry about is that little old lady with blue hair using a 10 pound ball throwing it 5 feet up in the air. Now that is a distraction. I can handle the rest of it.



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Re: Learn by your mistakes
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 05:36:44 PM »
The only time I feel 2 lanes courtesy is necessary is in a Tournament of any kind. In a typical league one lane is enough.