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Author Topic: Learning from the Pros, good or bad?  (Read 1111 times)


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Learning from the Pros, good or bad?
« on: February 04, 2004, 09:13:06 PM »
I use to watch em and then try to do what they did.  Only after getting a coach and spending some time on this board did I realize HOW good these guys are.  They are incredible.  And one of the problems that I think I use to face is that I would try to throw it like them.  But the are at the point in their games (many at least) where fundamentals have been overridden by personal quirks that would be disastrous for a new bowler to try.  Examples,

Kretzers arm swing, the most muscled in the game, he uses absolutely NO momentum.

Angelo's arm swing,  He freegin stops on the second step and the muscles it up for a high backswing.  

CJ's loft.  He is a demon with this, but it is darn near irreplicable.  

DJ Archer's footwork and balance, or lack there of. And, he stops the ball on his downswing right before he releases.

There are lots more examples.
These guys are all obviously excellent bowlers, but I think that newer bowlers would be shorting themselves if they tried to emulate them.  I know I was.  I heard the same comment from someone else as I had when I tried to throw like PDW.  "I had it at like 20 mph and 4 revs."  These guys are good.  Guys who still stick to mostly fundamentals like Duke, Wiseman, or Barnes are also around.  I think anyone could benefit from trying to use some of their style.  But they aren't on the show every week.  

Obviously they all know how to bowl, but I think that just as in any other activity, learning the basics should precede adding your own flavor.   The problem I see is that if you just watch the pros, you might get a distorted view of the basics.  

I bowl at country club bowl...not a very inventive name now is it.



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Re: Learning from the Pros, good or bad?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 02:25:14 PM »
Hey guys, Bones I'm shocked you didn't throw in the easiest golf analogy of them all.  As soon as I read this post, my first thought went to one Jim Furyk.  He has what has been deemed the ugliest golf backswing, and no one thought he would win anything with it.  Finally this year he broke through and proved he can be successful with it.  

Furyk's response to the critics?  It's not in how you bring the club back or how the swing looks, its making sure you're getting the clubhead square to the ball at the moment of impact.  In bowling, its pretty much the same.  As long as you are getting the ball to release properly and consistently, who cares how ya get there.  TBU!

That said, you are right in that it would not be good to try to emulate such a tough and quirky swing.  It is best to develop a fundamentally sound understanding of your game, and go with it.  Then you can work in your own little quirks to what suit you best and make you perform the greatest
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
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Re: Learning from the Pros, good or bad?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2004, 02:40:41 PM »
I disagree about Kretzer having the most muscled swing on tour have you seen Ryan Shafer? My goodness I still cannot understand why he is so good. He pulls up on every shot. He has no knee bend, little to no leverage at the bottom of his swing yet he has good revs, that shows how much he muscles it. I cannot stand watching him. I know he isn't very big in stature but neither is Norm Duke or Pete Weber and they don't muscle it anywhere near as much as Shafer.
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Re: Learning from the Pros, good or bad?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 03:43:23 PM »
If you can have someone so perfect to model after why not!

My lucky choice was Dave Davis who bowled in our house.

Now I really don't move like him but I keep trying!


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