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Author Topic: Leauge Last Night  (Read 814 times)

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Leauge Last Night
« on: July 12, 2004, 06:07:16 AM »
Well i usually average around 190-200 in league and ive had a bad start to the summer adult/jr league on Sunday Nights. I was averaging 176 yesterday. Well i got there yesterday, had a great look while practicing and decided to use my dull X-factor Reloaded which has been very controllable. I overhooked it twice and left 2 Opens. Then went on a strike fest ending 223 that game. 2nd game i had a clean game still using my Reloaded, 8th frame, solid 10 pin, picked it up, 9th frame, solid 10 pin AGAIN, missed it, 10th frame, another one, picked it up and last shot another solid 9 pin. ended the game with 203. 3rd game i decide to stick with my reloaded even though im getting a bunch of 10 pins. Start off with a 4 pin, pick it up, get a strike 2nd frame, 3rd frame i leave a solid 8 pin, pick it up. Then i go, ah what the hell im gonna throw my Triple X. I go off the board, all perfect strikes, the last 9 for a 270. 696 series! lol if i picked up that 10 pin i missed the 2nd game or switched the ball earlier i would of gotten a 700. Ive shot 700 a few times but not since October and it would of been nice. Next week im definitly using that Triple X-factor!
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose



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Re: Leauge Last Night
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2004, 08:16:55 AM »
Isn't it amazing sometimes when you make a ball switch late how much the scores increase and then you wish you had made that change earlier in the set? I've had some nights where I've shot 750 using one ball all night long, and other nights where I shoot low deuce games to start and finish by switching balls and shooting 250 or better the last game.

That's what makes the game of bowling so interesting.


Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Leauge Last Night
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2004, 09:19:35 AM »
Yeah, im happy with the night, we won all 3 games, took first place back.
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Re: Leauge Last Night
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2004, 06:23:04 PM »
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose