I know the feeling. Normally my carry is pretty good, but sometimes you just have those days when nothing wants to fall. I missed making the cut to match play in a tournament on a house shot this weekend actually because of poor carry. I never missed the hole the first game with my Gravity Shift for a 213, but left several wrap 10s. Moved pairs to one where I had a better look throwing fast up the boards with my Spit Fire and went 245. Next I moved to a pair where someone just shot a 298 wheeling a Turbo X out to the 2 board. Yep, they were bone dry outside and flooded in the middle. Flat 10, flat 10, ring 10, flat 10, 4-6-10 from being a touch soft with the speed, etc. I tried every move I could think of, and all of them left the 10. Shot a 177 thanks to two splits and only about three strikes the entire game. Moving right meant early hook and a split. Moving left meant the ball skated too long and couldn't recover. It's a house shot, I should be able to do better than a 635. I shot better than that a couple weeks before at Nationals!