To illustrate a point regarding number of wrongsiders in a house, in the Tuesday league I bowl in for the fall, I'm the only wrongsider out of 30 bowlers (except when my friend subbed on our team). When the graphs came out for the oiling on one side versus the other for 2 different lanes in the house, I noticed that on the right side the oiling started at 12 units on the one board, went up to 19 units at the 5 board, and gradually increased to 50 units inside of 15 to 15. On the left side the oil started at 17 units, then went up to 24 units at the 5 board, and went up 2 units per board until you hit board 9, where there was a 6 unit increase. I felt overall it was easier for the righties to burn a track that by game two opened up the lanes, while I never got the chance to do that.
I try to take what the lanes give me- it's so difficult to create even patterns on both sides because you have to take into account the bowlers in your house, the styles that they have and the number of lefties versus righties.