Depends what ball you're starting with to a degree, wouldn't it?
Take two balls, drilled the same, with the same core, one with a "strong" cover, and one with a "weak" cover. Put a 1000 grit surface on them.
It will change the "strong" covered ball more than it will the "weak" covered one, doesn't it?
Is it logical to think this? Is it like a linear progression?
Take the numbers 9 and 10. Not that far apart, but square them, and you get 81 and 100.
Cubed, you get 729 and 1000. If you change them at equal ratios, they get further apart.
If you change the cover stocks at equal ratios, wouldn't the strong just get that much stronger?
I don't really know, but that popped into my mind when I was reading this thread.
Anybody know for sure?