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Author Topic: Lefty vs Righty Debate  (Read 4822 times)


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Lefty vs Righty Debate
« on: March 25, 2004, 06:52:15 PM »

i bowl in a 30 team league(it has 150 fulltime bowlers)

25 lefties and 125 righties

The debate about the shot on both sides is always heated. Last night was the last straw

if i take the top 10 avg's

7 are lefties  3 are righties
(6 of top 7 are lefties)

28% of the lefties are in the top 10 and 2.4% of the righties

if I go top 20 it gets slightly closer
12 are lefties and 8 are righties
48% of lefties are in top 20 and 6.4% of the righties

This has gone on for 4 years
last night
lefty first game-300, with another 279(high righty 258)
second game-300 (high Righty(299)
third game-they went 278,278,277 (high righy 256)

top 4 series all lefties(826,785,762,761)
They swept every pot again, with 4 lefties getting hands on $$ and none of the 125 righties were good enough to beat any of the lefties.

The typical response from the lefties-WE ARE JUST BETTER, the righties just arent that good. None of the 125 guys are any good.My teammate that is a lefty does agree their side is easier, but he is about the only one.

Are they that insecure? what is it

side note-i bowl in another league and the scores are close(right and left side), but righties do have an advantage. My avergae is the same in both leagues(or close), but my teammate lefty is 18 pins higher on the other league(humm). I admit that the one house is easier on the right side, why can a lefty never admit to that. Stats can not be that wrong.

Do i sound bitter-maybe
jackpots have taken a dive (some have gone from $230 a game to $125)
brackets are a joke(use to be 12-16 scratch brackets, its down to 4 brackets and only 1 righty even gets in)


Edited on 3/26/2004 11:15 AM



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Re: Lefty vs Righty Debate
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2004, 04:29:30 PM »
Not that this hasn't been beaten to death many times...

Unless you have a lot of PBA caliber players on that league, it just sounds like a mega wall that the lefties match up better with.  No matter how good I may be, I'd be hesitant to spend much on brackets knowing I'll probably need an honor score to cash.
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