I am thinking my mental game is probably a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. I really think I know bowling ,but I obviously don't. What is the mental game and how do you really develop it.
If I think about it,it seems to involve knowing your ability and your equipment,knowing what adjustments to make and when,being able to adjust,and having enough confidence to trust your decision making and committing to your decisions. My game is limited to luck and having the right ball in my hand at the right time beyond that I am a 160 bowler.
I know how to hold the ball, throw the ball,and basically know how to set up on the lanes. I have no idea how to be consistent,or how to sustain a good luck. How to manipulate the lanes and my equipment based on my ability to maximize my bowling experience. Coaches that I have dealt with never address this. I either strike or I don't,I shoot 200 on a good day on a shot that should easily generate 240 games. Add or remove oil and I am in the 160s. Its not about equipment I am pretty sure its all in my outlook and the way I mentally approach what I am doing shot for shot. I don't care how well I think I practice or how much,I don't care how many balls I have used or how I have had them drilled I have no mental game. I have been bowling for ten or so years and my best days have been luck. My luck has run out, 2 o's are just not good enough and 400 series are really ridiculous. Bowling is all I really do and I still love the game,but these days its more an embarrassment and a source for despair then anything. Can A mental game be developed or is it time for me to quit