Wow...not to take away from Jeff's steam or anything, but here goes mine...
actually...i've got a couple...
In chronological order...
In our Northend Junior Traveling League (yea NW Chicago!) the only year that I bowled, after the first half of the year, we were in dead last out of 24 teams. 15 weeks later, we had either taken 5 or 7 points 14 out of the last 15 weeks and were tied for first place in our division with another team. Position round comes up and we lose the first game. I shot 257 (back 7) the second game and 258 (front

the third game to shoot 680 something with 15 in a row and we won both games. It was very exciting to say the least.
Next, at a collegiate tournament in Dayton, the first year my team traveled out to that tournament, I had a rough day and in the second set I shot 132, 187, then started the next game with the front 6. Lane breaks down for about 10 minutes, throw the next 2, lane breaks down for another 10 minutes. I throw the 9th and 10th with no problem. At this point, people are starting to gather as the afternoon shift begins to enter. I go up for the 11th shot and the lane breaks down again! 15 minutes later I step up and bury the 11th shot, and as much as I'd like to say that I buried the 12th also, I unfortunately missed the head pin right and left a 1-2-8...the ball was so far right that at the arrows, you here "awwwww" from the crowd as everybody knew it was gone, including me.
Finally, my collegiate teammates and I bowled in the city tournament this year, highlights included my friend John shooting his first ever 300 (coincidentally, it was the first game he had ever bowled in this particular bowling alley) and we ended up winning the entire tournament. We shot 4037 for 3 with handicap, no team had broke 4000 in about 2 or 3 years, and three of us were under average too...I can only imagine what would have happened if we all got hot...probably around 4300...
An hour later, those are my bowling memories!
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."