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Author Topic: Lets see what yours is......  (Read 3455 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Lets see what yours is......
« on: May 12, 2004, 04:19:41 AM »
If you look back on the board....probably a year or even longer someone had a post about bowling memories. I replied to that, but I figured this was a good chance to bring something as special as this back as a topic.

What is your most memorable moment in bowling? It could be your first 300 game, your first 600 set, you first 800 set even, OR you could go the route I am going to go---mine is a bowling moment spent with my father and some good friends.

It was probably my 2nd year bowling. My father had been bowling since the mid 70s. A buddy of mine had just finished his 1st year of bowling. We were all set to go and bowl in our local city tournament. The first time for me and my buddy. Since we were both really new to the game, and reactive had only come out a year or two prior our averages were low. Before that tournament we had used urethane, but all of us invested in a reactive ball about a month before the tournament.
My average at the time was 165 or so, my buddies 155-160. My dad and my buddy's dad both averaged about 175-180. So as you can see we had handicap on our side.

I cannot really remember our scores right off, but I do remember roughly. A friend named Willie Brown bowled 712, My dad and Donnie's dad each bowled 650-660s, I had 640s and Donnie bowled right around 600. Our ending score was 3495.

Up to that point my dad had not won so much as a league championship, same with Donnie's dad. So we were thrilled that we were in the lead. ONE PROBLEM though!!!!! There were 2 squads remaining after ours. We were so excited and so nervous at the same time.....we kept calling and calling to find out if we had been knocked off.

It was not until the 11pm news that we found we had won. Being able to win a championship so early in Donnie and my bowling careers was special, but being able to share that with your fathers was totally AWESOME.

It is THE time in bowling I will never forget. Sharing something that special with my dad was priceless. He is still alive, and still bowling. He is the person that got me into bowling at the age of 16. Bowling was something for him and I to do together. Add to that winning a city tournament, something that could never be taken away from us. No matter how good or bad of bowlers we were at the time, we accomplished something that can only happen once a year.

WELL, there you have it, that is my bowling story.

Lets see what yours is!

C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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the shadz

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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2004, 12:10:05 AM »
Mine was when I was able to afford to go to college because of my being good enough to make their bowling team and get the scholarship I have.  All the time I bowled youth events all my dad did was fuss about the money I was wasting and how I should be working, working, working and bowling would never amount to anything.  Well, then one day I got this letter saying I would get 8,000 a year talent award which would allow me to go to school because without that we could never have afforded it.  I was so happy to have proved that all my bowling wasn't a waste of time.


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2004, 12:13:15 AM »
My best memories would have to be winning the youth league I was in during my 2nd year of bowling and shooting the 800 back in October.  Also, it's fun to whoop the hell out of people when bowling against them for money and they talk a big game, but when there's something on the line, their scores don't show up.  Heh heh...I just felt like including that since I have plenty of experiences like that.


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2004, 01:28:01 AM »
My best memory just happened when my friends and I entered our county tournament just for fun.. We entered all events just for the experience of tournament bowling.. We didn't expect anything really, well imagine our surprise when we came in first in doubles and I placed top 10 in singles and all events! I was so proud because we had worked hard in the weeks leading up to the tourney and I felt like it all paid off..
FALL, DAMN YOU FALL!!!  "I'm so tired of being a wannabe league bowler.. I WANNA BE A LEAGUE BOWLER!!"


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2004, 07:38:24 AM »
Don't laugh, but my best memory is my first (and so far only) 300 and my first 600 on the same night.  The planets were all nice and lined up because I was averaging 151 at the time (don't ask how I did it, I still don't know).  I remember throwing the 7th ball and I knew right then I was going to shoot 300.  Woman's intuition!

207-300-154/661.  At least the last game was still 3 pins over average

(Side note:  The next week I promptly shot three games in the 140s)
White Dot
Making life miserable for 10 pins everywhere


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2004, 07:57:55 AM »
gotta be my first and only 700 February 13, 03!  Just one of those nights ! Also,....summer of 2002 right after I got back into it again (Oct '01) I joined 2 scratch my second tournamnet EVER, I cashed! 7th place out of 92 entries! Not bad for practically a 'newbie' at the time........
Off-season = Practice tme!
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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2004, 08:24:58 AM »
I have 2 rather long-winded moments.

I was bowling in a summer sport league, bowl 2, switch pairs and opponents, bowl 2. I had been bowling terrible, and this night, the first two games were no exception. As I'm putting my gear on the rack, my opponent looks at me and says, "This will be an easy six points". I didn't care what it took, he was going down, and I drilled him by 60 pins in each game. When it was over, he was quite annoyed, and I looked at him and said, "You were right. It was easy".

Second story. I'm practicing on the end pair in the summer. It's hotter than hell, and all the doors are open (why I'm there with no A/C I have no idea). Including the ones to the machine area, and the one behind that to the outside. Now, I don't have a lot of hand or speed, but I throw at a 10 pin, and the ball jumps out of the gutter, rolls thru both doors and out into the parking lot. It took a few seconds to recover from the shock, and after a minute of changing my shoes, out I go into the parking lot. The ball had rolled under the mechanic's car, who naturally had just come back from lunch. By the time I got the ball out, I had a White Dot that had one flat side to it. Made a hell of a paperweight though.


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2004, 08:45:33 AM »
I would have to say bowling in a league when i 16 with my mom, not only did we lap the field it was the most fun i had bowling in a long time. it was the first time i averaged over 190 and mom my kicked butt by averageing in the 170's her best ever. The best part was just seeing my mom's face everytime i threw a good game and even better was her being there to make me feel better when i didnt bowl well. Mom you are my Hero!
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2004, 09:26:13 AM »
A couple months ago, I would have answered this question with no hesitation, that the most memorable moment for me was my 1st 300 game (2001).  The anxiety, nervousness, palms sweating, knees wobbly, crowd gathering.  It an experience like no other.  Until....

The second week of April this year, bowling in a league with my Dad for the first time in almost 10years, I was able to put up two honor scores that I could tell he was just as proud of as I was.  He's been bowling for 30years and is a consistent 200avg bowler. But, he has never posted an honor score.  He's come close on numerous occasions.  He taught me how to bowl as a youth adn I probably wouldnt love the sport as much as I do if it werent for him.  That night, after posting scores of 278 and 264 in my first two games, I knew that my first 800 was a real possibility.  In the last game, I kept my composure and concentrated on getting the bowl out and hitting my mark and I continued stringing strikes.  By the 7th frame with all strikes, I knew that the 800 was in the bag.  My next goal was to finish it off for my Dad.  The 10th frame came and I hit the first two.  On the last ball, the hit was kind of light and it wasnt one of those shots where you automatically know its 10 in the pit, it took some pin action for that final pin to fall.  I threw my arms in the air and could hear my Dad yelling and screaming over all the other people gathered around.  He gave me a huge hug and he it almost looked like he teared up a little.  I could tell this was special for him and it was definitely special for me.  

By the way, 278+264+300=842  Not bad for my first 800  (highest set shot in that house)


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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2004, 04:05:12 PM »
Watching my son shoot a 300.

My first 600 series (1975).
My first 200 game (1973 - 214).
My first 250+ game (in an East Meadow tournament, circa 1980s).
Converting the 4-6-7-10 on my 28th birthday (many moons ago).

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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2004, 05:51:14 PM »
Mine would have to be picking up the 3-6-7-10.

Not that the spare was hard, but when I picked it up
the foul light went off.

Now the three people on this site that have seen me bowl know that
there is NO way on Gods green earth that I can foul.  That is what made
it so funny, everyone was looking up saying "Did Eric foul...Nah no way he
could foul."  So they gave me the mark.

Back before a few injuries I had a VERY deep knee bend. couple that with
stopping 6 feet (YES FEET) behind the line, and if I sit the ball down sooner
sometimes I will hit the foul line.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2004, 06:31:56 PM »
After 26 winter seasons and 25 summer seasons (26 will soon begin)  there are many memorable moments.  There have been the low points, too, but the highs out do the lows.  

My 1st 200 game was a major accomplishment.  That was something everyone else did, not me.  

My 1st 600, I couldn't sleep that night.  I just kept expecting someone to tell me I hadn't really shot the 626.  A friend and his mom were on the lanes next to me, I had just gotten contacts and it was the 1st time I wore them to bowl.  The last game I need a 130 to hit 600 and I was thinking about it.  My friend said relax, just keep stroking the ball, you've got the 6.  I relaxed and shot a 156.  His mom came over and told me she had wanted to ask me all night where my glasses were but saw how well I was bowling and didn't want to jinx me.  My teammates told me to wear new contacts every week.

My 277 game in travel league, something like 8 strikes in a row to start the game after shooting a 130 and 160 something game.

Then there is this season, a 689 in singles of CA State tournament and a tie for 2nd.  My 279 game, a turkey, 9/, and off the sheet.  A few weeks ago shooting my first 700 with consistent games and 29 clean frames, 27 of them in a row.

I expect there will be many more memories in the years to come.  I know we were to share our most memorable, but which is the most memorable, I couldn't say.  If I had to say what is most memorable, it's the people I have met, especially those from this board.  I have learned so much from the people here and several I keep in contact regularly.   Okay, this is becoming a novel so I'll end.

Age is only a state of mind.  Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young

Edited on 5/13/2004 6:30 PM
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Lets see what yours is......
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2004, 01:07:07 AM »
I took a few minutes today to think about this topic again. I have a couple more memorable moments to add. Notice, they all include my father. He and have a special relationship, like none I have had or ever will.

December 2, 03 was a pretty cool night. My dad and I were on opposite ends of the house. I left his team because another team really needed a 5th bowler this season and our team had 7. Well, the second game of the night is what made it special. There was my dad on lanes 13-14, and me on lanes 3-4, my dad spared and went off of the sheet that game, 290. He said that he didn't have time to even be concerned with his game because he kept coming down to watch me bowl, I shot 299 that same game (damn 8 pin, got me several times this season). If it were possible I would give him my first frame, the joy he would have had to shoot 300 would be awesome.

Another memory comes from the same season that we won our local city tournament. My dad and Donnie's dad were on a different team than Donnie and I were. We had to bowl them in the championship. All week long they were harrassing us. How they were going to pound us, and this and that....blah blah blah. Well, we ended up beating them. It was not even close. The funny thing is afterwards I went up to my dad to say "nice bowlin' ya", **L** he would not even talk to me. Mr competitive.

C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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