yes i meant left hole, sorry about that, getting my left and right confused, no wonder im so bad at bowling. so i bowled with this 30 year old ball sunday, gave it a good test of 5 games.
my first impression was that the thing had almost no hook. 4 finger holes were comfortable and all the holes fit(very lucky on this i was). I found that by taking my finger out of that index hole it had a slight very nice smooth hook. I just couldnt get the revs right putting my index in there.
it was kind odd to bowl with i never really bowled with a ball with quite the same feel and i dont even know how to describe it. it kinda had a smooth "sticky" feel. i kinda felt like my ball speed was slower than other balls i bowl with and it kinda just glided until it hit some friction then it would hook ever so slightly but smoothly. was definately fun, my first couple of games started terrible!!! but i ended up kinda getting used to it and i definately think ill hang on to it for fun. i gotta say, if youre a stroker try to pick up one of these vintage white dots, it was a blast for me to play around with. it DOES hook its just easy and smooth, not a real bite like something you would be used to made in the past 10 years.
i think ill take that advice about plugging the index tho. after initially playing around with it i never used it again and i dont really see a reason to keep it there.
also i had a friend two hand it and got it to do some wicked hooks. he doesnt normally 2 hand but we were just enjoying the novelty of the ball so he gave it a shot.