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Author Topic: Light or heavy?  (Read 959 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Light or heavy?
« on: February 24, 2004, 06:05:11 PM »
Often times we read about this or that ball works great on the light hit or the heavy hit or this or that ball carries everything.

A lot of this has to do with the right ball matching up to the bowlers style or lane condition.

How often does a ball match up and carry everything?  Not enough I think.

Here is something that you may want to try if you don't do this already.  If you are throwing your ball and you see that the ball once entering the pocket continues to drive strongly into the 8 for righties and 9 for lefties without deflecting I bet that light hits will carry well as well as the solid pocket.  If you notice that when your ball enters the pocket begins to deflect toward the 9 for a righty and 8 for a lefty heavy hits work well for you.

Knowing this you can begin to open up your pocket strike percentage by looking for the ball reaction once hitting the pins.  

If you know that your ball is driving well aim for the light hit and when the lanes start to hook you will still carry the solid pocket.

If you know your ball is deflecting more then look to hit the solid pocket adn when the ball hooks up more you will carry the high hit.

With these new balls that are strong often times the light hit though maybe not as pretty will keep you scoring well.

I hope this tip helps.

I know there are other factors or other changes you can make out there but this post is for yu to think about one other thing to help you carry.
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: Light or heavy?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2004, 09:45:38 AM »
Sawbones - With the internet there is such a wealth of knowledge out there that can be found and with coaches like Ron Clifton (Magic Carpet) who is working on pefecting his video coaching I think that the opportuntiy for anyone really wanting to learn can be economical.

By the way I was one of his guinea pigs and will be posting soon.

As to adjusting for the light or heavy hit it could be as simple as moving the feet right or left a few board.
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Re: Light or heavy?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2004, 03:13:35 PM »
Hey guys, first off great tip Doc.  I was actually running into this in leagues.  I was throwing good shots and kept coming in a touch high (4 pins) or coming in soft (soft 10's)  I couldn't quite generate the angle that I needed, even though I moved left, right, targets and moved forward and backward.  Good learning experience.

Secondly, I think you might be surprised at how well tips can help even the beginners.  When I give tips to beginner bowlers, I try to give them general ideas for what is happening when they throw the ball.  As I posted last week, I had a beginner bowler who was throwing a consistent ball but kept swinging out too far unintentionally.  This was due to her timing and rushing to the line.  I mentioned it to her, that sometimes when you notice your ball consistently going over the same spot but not where you want it, its your footspeed causing the problem.  I gave her the tip about too fast = outside target, and too slow = inside target. I also made sure to remind her that this ONLY applies when you are missing CONSISTENTLY.  If your ball is all over the place, footwork isnt the problem. She was very receptive, and actually was able to apply this tip quite well.  Much better than I expected, to say the least.  
Must be because she was a woman, and a better listener

Keep up the good pointers guys!  

"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
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Thursday League: 667 (225, 185, 257)
Sunday League:   600 (164, 203, 233)


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Re: Light or heavy?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2004, 05:45:14 PM »
First comment - guzman - you are learning!!!

Second comment - I have often said that the nights I start out carrying light I've got the world.
this usually means that as the lane breaks down, My adjustments are fewer, and my carry percetage stays high.
I for one don't care whether they're the "boomer" strike or not - as long as there's an X on the scoreboard.

Contrasting comment - same point - how many bowlers just complain because they left a "slammed" 7 pin? How many bowlers KNOW that it's actually a high hit - maybe not as noticeably high as a 4 pin leave, but high, nonetheless?
And if somebody trips the 4, are they mentally agile enough to know they need to move - or does the mind only record the strike?
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