The best way to project the ball right, on today's conditions, is to:
Open up your hips and shoulders to the intended target
Slightly drop your right shoulder (for a right hander) down
This will place your head slightly over the ball
Push the ball towards the center of your body
Make your first step (with your right foot) towards the center of your body, as well as slightly opening it up, simulating a ducks walk, which creates a strong position, weight wise
Allow your second (left foot) step to be straight
Third step (or power step with your right foot) should be centered of your body as well with the foot slightly open
Your swing will stay tighter to your body and feel as if it starts on an outward path and then tucks back under your shoulder
If you keep your hand on the inside of the ball, it is impossible to tug the ball
You can over rotate it, creating an overreaction, but almost impossible to tug the ball
That is today's power game
Formerly BrunsRico